Weird - made a purchase on MP, didn't receive it, don't see it in my mp history purchases, purchased it again, same thing but when I check my transactions through the dashboard, it's there. Anyone have something like this happen?
Izzie Bizzie
this happened to one of my customers a few days ago. i never received any money from her MP purchase either and the internet says to wait a few hours, if the delivery fails, money gets refunded to you by LL. if nothing happens after a day or so, submit a support ticket. there's an option for failed deliveries https://imgs.plurk.com/QEC/gSG/5Ci7nmS5aKcWhL9atrPdEPaJKPM_lg.png
Izzie Bizzie : Well that sucks! Thanks for letting me know.
yea i had that happen and like Izzie said, just gotta wait it out and your money will be refunded.