[pride] hello am bisexual and gender fluid and I have strong feelings about how exclusionary queer communities are
Jeff Laguna
it's incredibly a mess because... i've had these brainworms a lot over the past few months over things that aren't queerness but fall into a lot of the same problems
Jeff Laguna
being inclusive is harder than it seems because all it takes is one bad faith actor to pivot the scales from "good faith understanding" to "bad faith profiling", and god damn there are a LOT of bad faith actors out there
Jeff Laguna
maybe not a large number of people, but bad faith actors are incredibly aggressive and mobilized in a way that nobody engaging on good faith can or would want to be
I mean all I am asking is to not get told I'm not fucking welcome at pride because my partner happens to be a cis man, this isn't actually a big ask.
Jeff Laguna
Jeff Laguna
yeah when it comes to a public event you gotta have the best faith
and I would much rather let "straight" people be tourists at pride than exclude people who have no other community to turn to.
Jeff Laguna
Jeff Laguna
you're the one who opened the doors, motherfucker, stop gatekeeping or admit you ain't really proud enough to accept outside interference
Jeff Laguna
I was thinking on a much smaller, more personal scale, but fucking. parades and open assembly? no
Jeff Laguna
stop trying to gatekeep that shit!
Jeff Laguna
you're helping your enemies by hurting people they ALSO hate!
bluntly speaking I don't think it's actually that complicated to not be a dick so I don't agree on any level because that just fosters an attitude where people have to perform their identities instead of being safe to explore them but I have also decided I'm tired of tolerating people who assume I'm acting in bad faith so I'm extremely cranky about this
fact of the matter is you can't tell people's sexuality by looking so you just gotta believe when they choose to tell you
Jeff Laguna
Jeff Laguna
I think our cynicism fell on opposite sides of the "fight this bullshit" divide but we're equally as cynical about what goes on, and i'm sorry i keep... trying to explain bullshit we suffer

it's really, really not my intent, clover
Jeff Laguna
the fact of the matter is that sexuality and gender can and often ARE fluid and by trying to enforce rigid, performative roles forces people to be what Society Accepts instead of just being, themselves
Jeff Laguna
we're on the same page there, entirely