JC (contd.)
The restrictions imposed on space travel did not reduce the workload of us hired transporters working at Central. On the contrary, as the few government certified transporters, we were required to do additional jobs, overtime, often unpaid, and constantly pass through hostile space.
Often with annoying overseers abroad as backseat pilots. Not to mention constant unscheduled loyalty checks. A lot of our ships were unarmed. Mine had some passable weaponry, so of course I was assigned to a lot of stuff I didn’t sign up for.
I didn’t wait long for my first mission after all this began. A plant, suspected to contain will boosting properties against the Leviathan’s beam of madness, was reported to grow in the third planet in the Suzuno System. I was ordered to bring the plant, and the researcher, back to Central. I sighed in relief that no one would be overseeing on my ship.