while i'm on break. or i'll get back to them after work.
Ben: 5, 18, 28 and 65
Benedict Fox
5. What does a day off look like for your character?
He doesn't do days off.
He's real curious so he's probably got his nose into something whether it's a book or exploring a new place or traveling to what's next in his life.
When he's relaxing it's maybe more like casually listening to music while he writes down notes in his journal or reads more leisurely rather than for research.
what about on the barge? does he work and have days off there?
He's not afraid of breaking the law a little so he probably frequents speakeasys when he wants a drink but doesn't really hide alcohol of his own anywhere.
On the Barge he's still learning, assessing, exploring... I imagine it's much the same though when he's not keeping an eye on his inmate. Just...relaxing with a book or music or exploring the Enclosure and what it can do.
18. Whatโ€™s the line between right and wrong for your character? How moral do they consider themself?
Hahaha. He's a good boy! But there are things he's willing to do to get what he wants. He's not above breaking the law, but it's not going to be anything that hurts anyone or takes away from them.
Small petty things like theft and breaking & entering to find clues.
How does he consider himself? He's probably not certain. That's part of his issues. Most days he's fine. He thinks he does good. He solves cases, makes people happy or at least gives them the truth so they can move on, and tries to do right.
Other days, he wonders if he really is the monster in the stories.
There's no basis for it, it's just written into him due to his circumstances and it breaks him from time to time.
28. What kind of a villain would your character be? What would it take to for them to become a villain?
Oh god, he'd be the WORST KIND OF VILLAIN and by worst I mean BEST because he has the smarts and the abilities to get shit DONE.
He'd be a true monster. He'd be calm, calculating, and ruthless.
He wouldn't hesitate to use his supernatural abilities to his advantage and if anyone got in his way he'd get rid of them. It'd be awful.
Without just some mirror verse existing out there? It would take a lot to make him into a villain. Whether it be one HUGE event that completely broke him, or several million little things finally adding up to be too big to handle and breaking him, it would take a lot for him to finally cross that line.
Because he is resilient. He's hopeful. And he knows that black and white are not the only two shades in the world. There are a lot in between and he walks a very fine line in the middle.
65. Whatโ€™s your characterโ€™s relationship with romantic love? Is that something theyโ€™re interested in? What sort of person would be their sort of person?
Awkward and painful.
He doesn't not have interest in it, but he considers himself unsuitable for lingering romantic relationships. He has feelings for someone, but he has to leave them behind due to circumstances. That sort of thing sticks.
I think he's afraid to fall in love. Because he knows how different he is.
And... there's the fact that getting close to someone has it's downsides with him. There are things he can see or know that someone might not want him to know.
It can hurt both him and the other person, and it's best to just stay at an arm's length away.
(There is also the fact that he is dying. He doesn't have time for that, or the selflessness to get involved and hurt someone with that fate.)
He likes spunky people. People with personality. Strong, capable, their own person, similar to him but just different enough to stay interesting.