Late night post:
So on the 26th of Feb, I was informed my position had been eliminated. Despite being in the literal middle of a project. I was told I'll be paid until May 31st, and then would be terminated if I didn't move up or go back to a store.
I've chosen to move up.
It means travel, it means being away from my home, my husband, my cats.
I do not WANT to do this. I'm doing it because it's literally doubling my pay and we can finally save to move out of this God forsaken town. I'm buying a gaming laptop so we can spend time together. But it also means fixing the disaster that is the house. And finding a second car. In an undetermined amount of time.
But yeah. I guess if this falls through, my home store is chomping at the bit for me. I can probably negotiate the same pay I'm getting now, just minus mileage. But 33.5/hr is a fuck of a lot better than 19/hr and I wouldn't be getting mileage at my home store
It's a salaried management position. My boss, her boss, my previous boss, all urged me to move foreword. I just don't want to and I'm scared.
I was comfortable. I could make it work. But it's up or out and without a degree, I don't have anywhere to go.
Ah yeah. It's... frustrating as fuck to be in a position like that, really good pay or no. Especially when you're okay with the position you had.
But I'm hoping that it turns out to have some parts of it you like, even if a lot of it isn't what you would want