Sorry that I forgot the sacred ham existed, may it's bone be forever strong. lol. In all seriousness, sorry for not being around, general life update? 0_o
So, went back to school, graduated, and looking for work again that isn't some sort of sales job, or working with kids -_-
Started getting medicated a little while ago, then REALLY needed to adjust the meds because I was getting way to emotional on the intital dose(like, crying when I didn't understand what a lawyer was saying and had to ask 3 times for them to explain something to me)
which was just, EEP! Too much emotion!
Most people IRL and my gal, apparently agree that I just dont express myself much and emotionally closed off? 0_o I've been working on myself and try to express what I think and feel and what not, and dear god it's exaughsting to do with ppl IRL, meds bring that out a bit though, with this new dose I'm more emotional but not overly so? apprantly
So you probably saw "lawyer" and wondered why I needed one in the 1st place, glad you asked! My apartment building is getting the rent hiked up to all hell and rent control is a myth here, and dear old dad hasn't been working for 3-4 months...and here I am on wellfare...that doesn't do much @_@
So, I'm the head of the tenants assosiation of my apartment building, because I needed to talk to a lawyer and pass the information to everyone when we had like 40ish people in a lobby trying very badly to hear a lawyer on speaker phone
that's not the lawyer that made me cry though, that honor belongs to a legal clinic that turned down representing my family against our landlord, for the reason of "We dont have enough time"...and I needed to draft a legal response, not just for me, but for all 140ish apartment units in the building that were affected by the rent increase
and I have been getting involved, with a tenant union and activist group to protest for rent control and what have you, actually going to be running for a chair position next week, with the hope of getting more resources for my family and my apartment building
Also, I am famous! Been in the news a few times and interviewed, I litterally got to go "Look mom! I'm on TV!"
and apprantly with the union(Acorn Canada), the articles that I have been featured in were used as case studies on how to talk to the press(apprantly they were saying I should have worn a shirt or hat, which, I did! It was also balls cold and I was out for like 3 hours, so I was wearing a parka over the shirt lol)
Oh! Also news, I have been losing weight! This is the 2nd year in a row where christmas passed by and I either kept the same weight or lost a bit! The meds are stimulants and dear GOD they have been helping with me actually being aware of shit(Mostly getting up in the morning, as, previously, It would take me an hour or two just to process that I am awake)
Now that process of waking up takes me like, a minute or two then I am actually talking, instead of "dont talk to me because I am not going to remember shit"
Still have my sweetheart, she moved to North Carolina, so she can finally come up to see me <3. Then I need to step up my job searching I guess? cuase, FUCK this costs money! lol
She also finally is starting to have an emotional support system that isn't just me, but that is me grumbling and dont want to get into that much....
Anyway! Sorry again for forgetting the sacred ham exists! Its been (checks notes) too long :-)