
The drinks trolley in front of us with glasses and a posh-looking bottle of whisky is not his, Brian d’Arcy James is quick to say with a hearty laugh.

James reveals to The Daily Beast that he and O’Hara are discussing—nothing officially confirmed, or set in stone yet—playing George and Martha if any appetite existed to mount a revival of Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

“I loved being with him, he was loud, opinionated, and funny, with a great, absurd sense of humor. I remember him telling me to watch and educate myself about Montgomery Clift.”

竟然是Montgomery Clift(筆記
“There’s so much you have to give yourself over to in 95 minutes, I want to be completely unimpeded in that way,” he said.
“What I’ve learned is that you can really do yourself in by looking at the show in its totality. I treat it moment to moment, which is a good allegory for what the program (AA) teaches: one day at time, you can’t go further than you can go. Whatever the day brings, the day brings.”
One scene sees James scaling perilously up and down the walls to smash up a greenhouse in the name of finding booze,

which emphasizes, his portrayer said, “how high the stakes are, how high he is, and how completely insanely he is behaving to achieve his goal of getting drunk.”
Smashing up the shed engenders “a sense of abandon I have never experienced on stage,” said James. “It’s controlled fury—you have to be in control of it—but there are nights when the momentum of emotion I am experiencing does take over.
It’s kind of thrilling not to be beholden to rules. Michael, Craig, and Adam have given us the license to surprise ourselves and hopefully the audience.”
It is part of a brilliantly executed feel-bad musical.
The musical never lapses into the knowledge and language of today. It is “very mindful” of its time, when alcohol abuse awareness was so much less,
and when alcoholism meant being “a bum” who had too much to drink, as Kirsten says—meaning middle-class professionals like her and Joe do not recognize the signs and symptoms of their own addictions.
James 先生的方法演技,所以可以理解他為什麼會說Instanaver
https://images.plurk.com/37XEnEDXHtGYxW6AZ5AX87.jpg 順帶這是今天的官方
It takes James a while to shrug Joe off after every performance, although over the years he has become “better” at learning the line between real life and the characters he plays. That doesn’t mean the ideas and emotions he expresses as Joe “just go away” night after night—
“just that I recognize the line better. I would be lying if I said after every show I was ready for chipper conversation. It stays with you, for sure, and that can be a good thing. The character is so beautifully drawn, his life source informs me.”

喜歡這段,喜歡他們對這齣戲聊的部分,以及James 先生給出的部分;不只在訪問上選擇談論的話題,他在台上給予觀眾和角色的感覺也總是那麼多
就像N2N 時期他說過的,作為演員/觀眾可以看到全面,但作為角色他看不到自己的行為
原本想說他要是得這屆Tony,哪天復排的時候就可以看到他那個Tony Winner的頭銜掛在海報上
“…I can’t begin to understand it, but I feel that sense of pain. I can only try to honor what those people are going through, or have gone through.
I hope this attempt at storytelling is graceful, in a way helpful, and not oversimplistic. I don’t think it is, though I am very aware this thing happening on stage is conceived, pre-meditated, and executed—and then there is real life.”
“…You try and have different senses of yourself on display, and explore different aspects of your own character and being.
This show does all those things—Joe goes from charming and good-natured to the complete dissolution of those things, to petty and mean.
I like to play ugly, it’s more interesting to gussy something up and give it a sheen, so you can properly expose a character and surprise the audience.”

我會說453堪比Sweeney Todd 的Epiphany,是一個普通人成為『反派』的瞬間
James said: “Generally speaking, I’d be lying if I said I was not aware of them, and I’m tickled and excited when it happens to me. But one benefit of getting older, and having experience, is that I have actual empirical proof that if you don’t win a Tony it doesn’t mean you don’t continue to work!”

James is most proud of three roles he has played—Joe in Days of Wine and Roses, “not just because it’s right in front of me. This piece is so extraordinary and unique and challenging. I do think it is moving the parameters of what we expect musicals to be.”
然後是The Good Thief 跟The Ferryman
Asked about dream roles, James gives me a mischievous smile and opens the bureau drawer in front of him. “Make it clear to your readers I am actually acting this out,” he said, laughing. A beautiful red book cover revealed itself, and in his hands James held a copy of Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

你在跟我說他把Joe當George 在演嗎???再說一次???
Inevitably, James would love to play George. “And the play gets revived every two years or so, so I have a good shot,” he said, laughing.
“I got the book because Kelli and I have been talking about it quite a lot actually. She has the same kind of attraction to the play—we’d like to do it together, it would be super cool.” He laughed again. “The road map has been paved with us playing Joe and Kirsten. They are weirdly foundational for George and Martha.”
it would be super cool

The road map has been paved with us playing Joe and Kirsten. They are weirdly foundational for George and Martha.

天、他把Joe當成George 在演,謝謝

James smiled. “It’s not like we have a blood pact to make this happen. If she doesn’t do it with me and does it with someone else, that’s fine, but it would be great to do it with her. It’s just a conversation right now.”

Carousal 的跳舞故事很可愛(又提到自己不會跳舞的部分
怎麼把Joe 當做George 在演啊!!怎麼這樣!!!