Good evening, Kenos! Just here with a couple updates about upcoming events including March's event, our next TDM, and applications!
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓪𝔃𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓵𝓮
Is not, in fact, a fuck or die event. Sorry if that's what you were looking forward to 😔
No, while its details are remaining a secret for now, the Stargazer Oracle's event will be a big one! Along with all of the normal Oracle shenanigans that pit friends against friends, this Oracle will also culminate in a timeskip.
How long of one, you may wonder, and as one sneak preview... That solely depends on what our Shard-Bearers choose to do. Or not do!
Here are important dates to know for this event (all at 5PM EST):
- March 12th : OOC Info is posted
- March 15th : IC Log is posted
- A few days after the above: A tallying post will be made for you to turn in character actions
- March 28th: Tallies are due
- March 29th: Results posted
and very shortly after all of this...
TDM + World State Update
On April 1st (we swear--), we'll be posting a new TDM log to reflect the changes throughout the world of Kenos as well as revealing quite a few wiki updates!
The timeskip will be a fairly large one at baseline, and the intention here is to help smooth out a year's worth of history for new players as well as incorporate some of our very large changes in February's event in a smoother way in general. Kenos will still be Kenos, of course!
But there may be new powers, new faces, and (somewhat!) new mysteries to be uncovered about the world... After all, there are only two Oracles left at that point.
And with this updated TDM announcement, it's also important to note...
An Application Change
As of today (March 1st), we will only be accepting applications from characters who are likely to pick Zenith. We have a quite large imbalance between factions at the moment (10 more Meri than Zenites!), so we're closing applications including to current players for Meri.
It's perfectly okay if you get in the game and, say, someone makes an insane Communion post that makes your character decide to switch factions. To pull an example out of nowhere. But we want to help balance things out and encourage a more even balance of characters at the moment.
When this restriction has been removed, we'll make another announcement to the game.
So, Happy Friday and Happy March, Kenos! Hope you're ready for o̸r̸a̵c̷l̴e̵ ̵t̴i̸m̵e̵
Oh, dear, how did that text get there? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about! 💖
pastel bee bros
thank you for this! also just to be sure, currently unharmonized characters can still choose meridian right? just new applications will be for Zenith?
pastel bee bros
thank you!!
Good to know
thanks mods!