I was going to do more with the actionspam but I just wanna do the thing!!!
And yes CW for animal death but it is NOT Collins doing the killing. It's also only implied. But essentially one animal spawned that killed the other animals. It's fine. It'll eat them. Yum yum.
But also Collins won't bat an eye about explaining that the little birds are now dead so if you'd rather avoid that entirely....
Although if anyone would like to try to save a few... that's fine, too.
AND YES I'M THIS IS MY HORRIBLE-SILLY NETWORK POST. that I was debating on doing. I decided to do it. Because it's rp and it's fun and why else are we here.
IT'S GOING TO BE AS MENACING AS HE IS. And it's going to frustrate the shit out of him, but also. he's going to take care of that little annoying fucker.
Lady Stardust
i love it
Leaving park now, going to get food on way home, ready for the weekend and tags when I get there.
Also maybe the action options might include a little furry menace if chosen.
apparently i fell asleep sometime after food. i didn't mean to... and i didn't realize that i did lol... but i'm awake now?? haha
I know I have utterly failed this flood, but I'm coming for Collins tomorrow. It's especially annoying because I found that item rep the day we talked about it, and it's just been sitting in a tab waiting on my ass
floofdoodle : no worries! Take your time. It'll still be there when you get to it. c: