neglect KK[nɪgˋlɛkt] DJ[nigˋlekt] 美式 vt.忽視,忽略;疏忽,玩忽 .忽視,忽略 He was so busy that he neglected his health. 他忙得連身體健康都無法顧及。 2.疏忽,玩忽 He was dismissed for neglecting his duty. 他因玩忽職守而被解僱。 3.漏做,忘了做[Y][+to-v][+v-ing] She neglected paying the fine. 她忘了繳罰金。 Don't neglect to brush your teeth. 不要忘了刷牙
忽略;疏忽;疏漏[U][(+of)] These children were in a state of virtual neglect. 這些孩子實際上處於無人照管的狀態。 The house hasn't been painted for years and years -- it's a sad case of neglect. 這間屋子已經多年沒有粉刷了,這是個可悲的疏忽。 疏於照管 to neglect oneself 不注意自己的健康 n. 忽視 to fall into neglect 被忽視 to be in a state of neglect 處於無人照管的狀態
KK[nɪgˋlɛkt] DJ[nigˋlekt]
He was so busy that he neglected his health. 他忙得連身體健康都無法顧及。
He was dismissed for neglecting his duty. 他因玩忽職守而被解僱。
She neglected paying the fine. 她忘了繳罰金。
Don't neglect to brush your teeth. 不要忘了刷牙
These children were in a state of virtual neglect. 這些孩子實際上處於無人照管的狀態。
The house hasn't been painted for years and years -- it's a sad case of neglect. 這間屋子已經多年沒有粉刷了,這是個可悲的疏忽。 疏於照管
to neglect oneself 不注意自己的健康
n. 忽視
to fall into neglect 被忽視
to be in a state of neglect 處於無人照管的狀態
LINE ID: arkmanor
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方舟莊園(Chateau d'Arche)位於蘇玳產區。葡萄園佔地40公頃,葡萄種植比例為90%的賽美容,9%的長相思以及1%的密斯卡黛樂。葡萄樹的平均年齡為45年。1855年,莊園被評為蘇玳和巴薩克列級二級酒莊。
6.6 萬個讚 • 7.7 萬位追蹤者
開放時間:10:00-19:00(週一~週五)、10:00-20:00(週六、週日),週二休館 動漫迷朝聖去!台中國漫館「國家漫畫博物館」開放,一秒走入漫畫的世界!沈浸式「讀漫畫、品漫畫、住漫畫」打卡...