作者極其聰明地將 Alex 的 ADHD 症狀 (這個 Alex 說他才不要去看醫生確診,他寧可視為這是個人的獨特特質) 融入寫作風格中,我愛死這個 Alex,腦子裡總是同時閃過一堆看起來不相干的想法 (偶而讀到感覺和正文不相干的東西不要害怕,那只是 Alex 又在天馬行空了,而且 google 可以給你答案。XDDDD),而且這傢伙自詡為毫無羞恥心 (這在 Part 2 很重要,眨眼睛),真的絕透了。
: 滿滿的描述了 Henry 的不安,看得有給他心疼 ,然後後半段依然火辣的很心動 🙈 看到這段 ❝Never mind that Henry has never called another person that even once in his life. It’s not like Alex could possibly know that.❞ 時,我都有點融化了,Henry 果然是用浪漫養成的。
The Consequences (Of Our Actions) 系列 WIP
No Consequences
Hope is a Five-Alarm Fire
The Cosmos in His Palms
目前上傳到第三部分,共 37309 字
因為我每天都會掃 tag,然後把簡介看起來有趣的 fic 整理到 Excel 表中,所以 No Consequences 剛上傳時我就注意到那有趣的故事梗了。但字數將近九千,又是不認識的作者,所以我多半會稍等個幾天看看 Kudos 數和留言數再說。
PLS i'll offer my non existent first born for that sequel!!! 🙏🙏
Alex 這個徹頭徹尾的,亨利王子殿下的噩夢……
the pleasure in the pain of it
the pain in the pleasure of it
Art Inspired by The Cosmos in His Palms - stellarmea...
Art inspired by The Throne He Deserves - stellarmead...
A drug he can't quit, an addiction he won't give up, a euphoria he'll never stop chasing. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
Right now, Alex doesn't have any problems at all.
Art Inspired by The Wait Before the Fall - stellarme...
看到這段 ❝Never mind that Henry has never called another person that even once in his life. It’s not like Alex could possibly know that.❞ 時,我都有點融化了,Henry 果然是用浪漫養成的。
本來以為作者要簡短交代 Henry POV, 不過這樣看來可以有完全版?
btw,注意到這回 H 說他很難,而且只能小聲的對人說他是 gay,對比最後跟祖母的拍桌宣告,我又想哭了 克制點