
im sorry i know you've never interacted with a woman before because they're driven off by the stench of your unwashed balls but men and women can interact in non romantic and non sexual ways!!!!
'she ain't letting you hit lil bro' okay well for starters im gay and in a relationship so good. but secondly what in your fucked up porno hentai infected brain makes you think im trying to hit by agreeing with someone else's comment saying its not funny to mock disabled children?????
'womp womp' womp womp yourself lil bro i'm not shitting my pants and crying because someone told me i can't make fun of children for having a disability????
i'm sorry but genuinely if your only source of joy in life is mocking a little disabled girl experiencing happiness you need to be euthanized
it doesnt help that it told me 'content not available' for a second when i clicked on his username
got real sad because my boyfriend's pfp and username wasn't on the share thing on ig and i thought he blocked me
i was gonna come in here with a hot take and completely forgot what it was
dating a trans person doesn't mean you can't be transphobic. using your trans partner as a way to get out of trouble for saying things makes you transphobic
body positivity does not equal sexualizing the living shit out of other people having a belly or thigh fat you have no idea how uncomfortable that makes people
there is a difference between loving your partner's body and fetishizing body fat and i am BEGGING people to learn it. nicknaming your partner 'chubby' in any context is just fucking weird i'm sorry
got the urge to dye my hair purple again in the middle of cleaning and since im halfway done i might as well
look im not gonna lie to you i think tipping culture is also stupid, i think all employees should be paid a living wage by their employers but please do not complain about it to us. you don't have to tip. but until i get paid this weekend everything i buy is gonna be off gift money and tips
people drawing peach blossom as a girl is so funny like im guessing you haven't played through the pagoda of apathy
tummy hurts
wait until i look these people's names up and send this shit to their employers
oh i guess they changed their mind because it's gone
i cannot believe that all these grown ass prissy white men are crying to their mamas because i said it was weird to mock disabled children
reported a comment for harrassment and instagram just didnt take it down. brother they called me a slur
it was meant for my mom.
hey gang i just sent my trump loving grandmother a text about how i was uncomfortable with a guy that came in at work talking about trump and de-taxing tips how are you today
worst case scenario i pass out on the job but its fine
im already in the parking lot so we're gonna do it anyway i just feel like shit
i feel like garbage today i dont wanna go in to work
illegalize misleading ads and journalism because why the FUCK would you go 'new animal crossing content for june 2024' and just list off seasonal shit in the game
tired and would like to nap but i have to work today and i dont wanna be exhausted
im so cold and tired if only a certain man were here so i could cuddle him and pass out
im kinda eepy...
its me. the anal devilg. send me your credit card info
there is ONE. one character from both i will hear people out on and thats it