trin <3
hey greg
trin <3
sippen on la crox, much healthier than lean and sprite!!!
trin <3
I just need to get up English and biology and then I have a 99+ in all classes
trin <3
I'm going to die
trin <3
guys im going to freak, jacob has dexter references
trin <3
I have come to a tricky desicion, hit a bus of old people or a couple of children
trin <3
I'm a bad boy please come change my diaper
trin <3
just listening to Danny Gonzales
trin <3
we get to keep our phones
trin <3
sub in math today, I'm so happy
trin <3
hey guys
trin <3
trin <3
trin <3
OLD_DATA I just watched uglies yesterday, it was pretty good
trin <3
hey chat'
trin <3
trin <3
trin <3
guys what if I make my life lesson story about bella
trin <3
we are leaving for 8th period
trin <3
"we're talking about the food web project right?" "yeah" "oh... I DID THAT" -conversation by Ms. muller and siobahn
trin <3
what are you guys putting for English question 3
trin <3
Alligator mississippiensis -> piensis?
trin <3
foolhardy call us
trin <3
foolhardy go on discord
trin <3
trin <3
trin <3
OLD_DATA I have a delta gyarados
trin <3
I'm not on drugs I swear!
trin <3
https://dashboard.blooket.com/... here you guys go!
trin <3
I love chocolate