
Congratulations to Muse. I actually had to look up a word in the dictionary. Thanks for not dumbing down lyrics.
Holy shit Batman! My knowledge of PLU codes actually paid off! It's time for the Bourbon Festival in Bardstown, so folks apparently want to make mint juleps. Problem is, grocery stores don't have it listed on their registers down here. No-one in produce knew it either. The customer didn't believe me when I offered up a number.
We had a trivia contest at my company picnic thing today. I almost felt guilty for entering.
Happy us day! Nods to Gingo, Juke, Rella, Ali and Remy. And others I might not know of. But of course, huge nods to my second favorite lefty: Dom.
I had a visitor.
I don't think this mirror is all it's cracked up to be...
Mews News. It's June, and the lightning bugs are out. Miss Mews has never encountered them before. Now she's trying to figure out how their butts light up.Bunnies are also hopping around the yard, so she's having a great time at the grandparents' house.
When it rains, it monsoons. My breaker box tripped and 2 of them won't reset. So my living room, kitchen and bedroom have no power until I can get it fixed. Basically, my house just went on strike.
Chess pie cake, anyone?
Mews is not aMUSEd for once. The a/c broke, so we're at my parents house for now. Ugh.
Okay, so I went to the doc because of all my issues. She ordered a bunch of blood work, ew. It came back weird. My thyroid is okay, yay. Liver and kidneys are great. Basically, everything was fine. Except I had some extra stuff. So I might be posting some news I never thought I would. According to doc, I might be pregnant.
Sometimes the universe gives you a win.Me, calling in: Hi, I need to call in for tonight's shift.Phone Guy: Okay, reason?Me: The Spanish Inquisition.Phone Guy: Huh, didn't expect that.We had a good laugh about it.
I can't unsee it!!!! I need bleach for my brainz.
Mews News: Today, Miss Mews had an adventure! She decided to pounce me when my back was turned. I bent over to pick up something, don't remember what, and she ran head first into my butt. Then she ran away crying. All I saw was her poofy tail.