
The Shiaite population in the Middle-East and Caucasus are sitting over a large quantum of energy reserves that enables them to play with geoeconomics. Here is a review of the population, percentage of Shias therein and estimated energy reserves. Shiaite grip over energy reserves
Every country wishes to be on the right side of the history and at the same time be able to play geoeconomics in its favour. For that there are two vital issues to be settled. Here we go: For geoeconomics power play, settle these two issues
‘Warfare by other means’ includes geopolitics as well as geoeconomics posturing. At present more than diplomacy it is the economic manoeuvre that does the talking. Here are five of these geoeconomics moves used extensively by a hegemon: How hegemon conducts geoeconomics warfare?
Attacking more than 70 vessels and sinking more than 30 of them Houthis have successfully interdicted the Suez-Red Sea Route. Highlights of the debacle and the effects it has on geoeconomics are discussed below: Red Sea debacle affects geoeconomics posture
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the sum total of financial value of products and services made within a period, generally one calendar year. Therefore, the basic parameters are realized value, certain period and the domestic horizon. How to make GDP serve a geoeconomics tool? How GDP serves as geoeconomics tool?
The current International Monetary Fund (IMF) is presumed to walks into sun set as BRICS contemplate formation of their own IMF. As a geoeconomics feat, this would bring a lot of positive benefits to the member countries. BRICS IMF, goodies galore
Before long, BRICS International Monetary Fund (IMF) would be a reality by the time of next BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia. One thing is certain there would be several no go zones for this new IMF. BRICS IMF, no go zones
Geoeconomics portends when there is going to be a collapse be it slow and prolonged or fast and sudden. In the case of USA the expected fall is in the former region. Here are seven signs of America’s slow decline beginning this century. Seven signs America is collapsing
Russia ranks third in the pecking order of winter tourism destinations after Finland & Iceland. Time to look at Finnish operation and tweak her business strategy in winter tourism to optimise returns. Here are few thoughts of mine: Russian winter tourism business strategy needs an ov...
Normally an astute investor uses the concept of financial pyramid where low –yield but liquid assets with predictable return are placed on bottom, medium-risk with medium return assets in middle and high-risk and high return items are placed on top as a thin icing. Inverted pyramid financial structure spells doom
In human lore, a weak person is ignored at best or disparaged at worst. He has to cow down because he does not have the wherewithal to stand against the norms of the society or the powers that be. But in the case of a state weak one becomes a darling. Weakness is a virtue in geoeconomics
Ironically in the case of Bangladesh, geoeconomics has turned out to be an enemy, as the latest colour revolution shows. For the last two decades the country demoed its ability to become a tiger economy and was cruising towards it. Then the tragedy struck: Bangladesh, geoeconomics is the enemy
Seven signs of being Geoeconomics weakling: An interesting topic for discussion today is how to identify the geoeconomics weaklings. Here are seven signs that indicate high vulnerability of turning out to be a weakling in geoeconomics:Seven signs of being Geoeconomics weakling
French historian Emmanuel Todd has written a new book titled “Defeat of the West”, where he identifies several surprises he has learned from the Russo- Ukro war which is still raging in Europe. Most prominent of these is the geoeconomics revival of Russia. Emmanuel Todd gets Russian surprise
William Burns CIA Director was sharp when he said: “China is the only country with both the intent to re-shape international order and increasingly the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to do so.” Here comes the reasoning: Strategic focus defines China
Turkish nuke energy business strategy, a critique: Depending on fossil fuel for energy needs bedevils Turkey. One alternative is to prospect for nuclear energy. The bottom line is how her business strategy on this option fares amidst geoeconomics.Turkish nuke energy business strategy, a critique
Psyche of global leaders differ a lot, of course. But in the case of Turkish leader Erdogan there is something remarkable. As a soccer enthusiast he has mastered the skill of dribbling the ball, but has failed to score.. Erdogan dribbles, yet fails to score
We get it from the horse’s mouth. Sanctions will ultimately lead to the demise of the US Dollar as trading & reserve currency. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen states unambiguously: “The more sanctions the US imposes, the more countries (Read: BRICS) will seek financial transaction methods that do not involve the US$” Sanctions: slow motion dedollarisation
Amongst the leaders in the world today, Putin holds a unique position. He has revived Russia after the collapse of the Soviet in 1990. He assumed office as acting president on 31 December 1999. Except for the interregnum of 2008 to 2012 he has continued as President of Russia. For Putin, it is economics that is stupid
Alexander Dugin calls for arming Hezbollah and Houthis. This may be a news item. But the import cannot be lost on the strategists. Alexander Dugin the Russian philosopher has the ears of Putin and his establishment. Alexander Dugin calls for arming Hezbollah and Houth...
The rationale for applying reverse gear in geoeconomics affairs cannot be overemphasised. Tools & techniques such as sanctions need constantly be reviewed to ascertain whether to reverse these or continue as it is. Performance of recent sanctions against Russia present one such opportunity. Applying reverse gear in geoeconomics
There are three types of economy: White, black and grey. The last one is much more potent than the other two. The grey economy can facilitate a country to use it as second line of defence in case that country faces business warfare or geoeconomics pressure.. Grey economy, second line of defence
Strategists often acclaim Henry Kissinger as a dark horse in the field of business strategy. His style was entirely different from the ones that prevailed in the State Department: ‘no latent threat but suave arm twisting that keeps opponents at ease’. Kissinger business strategy: Dollar for Security
In the annals of strategy master moves are somewhat rare but not uncommon. Recent such incident was Putin visiting North Korea after decades or so. This master move rattled the West mostly because it did not expect this surprise. Putin visiting North Korea, master move
When business warfare breaks out between two powerful companies, the first to open the salvo gets only a temporary advantage that too in the short run. In the long run the other firm could choose between either symmetrical or asymmetrical response... Business warfare, symmetrical asymmetrical response
Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, was touted as great success for the global economic reconstruction after the devastation of WWII. But there were misgivings. France silently and Soviet Union vocally objected. Both saw through the hidden agenda. Bretton Woods: hidden agenda led to its demise
In geoeconomics, zero-sum game has no place. It is time the America led West think in terms of reality facing both parties Russia and the West in Ukraine imbroglio. Let me give a strategic analysis of Putin’s peace offer: Russian peace offer, time to be realistic
America proposed a new financial system that would save the globe from financial chaos caused by the World War II and to bring back stability after the oncoming cessation of hostilities. The selected occasion was Bretton Woods in New Hampshire. Business strategy behind Bretton Woods Agreement
The famous quote by John Donne “No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent” is indeed a maxim but in geoeconomics an island can be ‘entire of itself’ and be unattached to a continent, provided that it has a powerful economy... Island as geoeconomics centre, few points
The wire was buy reporting a new development in BRICS membership. On June 3 Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan during his official visit to China expressed the idea of exploring relationship with partners in platform such as BRICS. Turkey joining BRICS, tectonic shift in geoeconomics