
vitamin cee
[pagan-y] refreshed my altar cause something nasty be floating around
vitamin cee
castmates I'd sell a kidney for
vitamin cee
JULY BOOK PLURK let's do itttt
vitamin cee
wow what if i made a tag commentary post and stuck 2 it
vitamin cee
who should I play from yr canons
vitamin cee
[beading] my magnum opus
vitamin cee
has my writing ever given u feelings
vitamin cee
today I went 2 the river for mental health and also birthday celebration reasons
vitamin cee
I am soft and gentle like a baby but I also have "everyone h8s u" brain disease so everyone is like a 10 at first lmao
vitamin cee
pwm for Julyyyy
vitamin cee
Miss Gender (@girldrawsghosts) on Xdelighted at how many people have sent me this lmao
vitamin cee
my bead order arrived
vitamin cee
[one piece] ignore me this is what i will be pinning my hopes on for the next foreverOPLA Daily (@OPLADaily) on X
vitamin cee
categorize me
vitamin cee
okay cause I can't stop thinking abt it -- gimme CR and I'll make a little moodboard when I get home
vitamin cee
can't believe I took these vitally important angus photos and forgot 2 share
vitamin cee
cause it's my fave meme -- gimme CR and I'll give u a song
vitamin cee
prolly no tags 2night because my brain is Pudding but ilu all
vitamin cee
intense stress eczema flare-up AND someone pulled the building fire alarm at fcking 8:15am
vitamin cee
shipping who we're logged in as this is just an excuse for aliacore emma gifs
vitamin cee
s-word sunday what are your smutty/shippy/schwatever desires also kink generator bcause it's evergreen
vitamin cee
[spiders cw] [some bigass spider pics for reals] cleaned lily's house and she's so biiiig
vitamin cee
[dune] I woke up sad abt alia atreides and I'm making it everyone else's problem edit: this turned into a dune messiah liveblog oops
vitamin cee
also psa if u ever wanna send me unhinged stuff and/or ask questions and/or plot and/or reach me if plurk dies I'm ceedawkes on discord
vitamin cee
me: birth is a curse and existence is a prisonmy boss: my daughter is getting rid of her mini squishmallows here's 18 to choose fromme:
vitamin cee
koby tl!!
vitamin cee
wow it's thirsty thursday already gimme
vitamin cee
character voices
vitamin cee
[nsfw] not to be monsterfucker on main but
vitamin cee
WHEEZING love_letters