
sorry for all my sad plurkkng..
no one believes when i say i was s/a die sir not count? this one girl trauma dumped with perms when i was sobbing, i felt so bad for her but does mine count compared to hers?
i'm so sad without them. can she even comprehend that? that were twenty miles away, 1452 miles away?
i'm dressing more mainstream tomorrow. i can't belive it's only 6pm, it's so werid.
follow me on roblox! Zenlily33
i got banned on tiktok again, trying to regain all my moots..
signing off for today, might come back later as i normally do.. cya! (^_-)-☆
jf only jaiden lived in minnesota...
molly keeps ignoring me!! (TOT)
my grandpa's care smells like cigarettes..oh the joys of child hood
so i couldn't stop sobbing ♡♡𓆉
so i had a panic attack and then went to tthe nurse n my heart rate was abnormaly high and it still is
i can't do this i can't see anything it's all blurry
my heart is racing i feel so light headed
i can feel everyone's eyes on me
tw idk everyone is staring i can't do this i can't get up my legs feel awful
i csnt stop shaking it's getting harder to breath im holding back tears
i can't think straight if one thing reminds me of jaiden i start sobbing
i feel so empty emotionally and physically i can't stop shaking
STOP when ever i think of jaiden i start sobbing..
AZUSA is speach aleo called debate or no
drinking kombucha to help me feel better..hope it works T^T
sigh my tummy feels werid again
good morning all (^_-)-☆ or after noon idk but how did you al sleep? or how did you day go?
when i think of her i start crying again
i can feel my heart ache
good night guys have a good day or night