
B. Dreamer Mods
AU Plotting Meme #18 is live!
B. Dreamer Mods
The September Monthly Post is up!
B. Dreamer Mods
APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN! Don't forget to drop by our AU Plotting and TDM posts if you're down to join us!
B. Dreamer Mods
TDM #17 is live and apps will be opening August 24th!
B. Dreamer Mods
AU Plotting Meme #17 is live!
B. Dreamer Mods
The August Monthly Post is live with some important updates about AC going forward!
B. Dreamer Mods
Applications are open! AU Plotting Meme #16 and TDM #16 as well!
B. Dreamer Mods
AU Plotting Meme #16 is live!
B. Dreamer Mods
The Tanabata festival log is up!
B. Dreamer Mods
Applications are open!
B. Dreamer Mods
TDM #15 and AU Plotting Meme #15 are now live and apps will be opening on June 24th!
B. Dreamer Mods
AU Plotting #15 is now live!
B. Dreamer Mods
Don't forget that apps opened on May 24th! i had a snafu with the scheduled reminder, so our app closing date will be June 5th to give everyone some extra time!
B. Dreamer Mods
Anniversary Event: Sweetly Brimming Pain is now live
B. Dreamer Mods
AU Plotting #14 and TDM #14 are now live! Apps will be opening on May 24th!
B. Dreamer Mods
TDM #13 and AU Plotting Meme #13 are both live! Apps will be opening on April 23rd!
B. Dreamer Mods
The April Monthly Post is live! This month's event has an optional RNG signup that closes on April 5th. Don't forget to sign up if you're interested!
B. Dreamer Mods
APPS ARE OPEN!! Make sure to drop by our TDM #12 and AU Plotting Meme #12 as well!
B. Dreamer Mods
TDM #12 and AU Plotting Meme #12 are both live! Apps will be opening on March 25th!
B. Dreamer Mods
AU Plotting Meme #12 is live!