
X and Facebook are NOT "Dial Up Friendly"! But Plurk is!
Misty Peterson (Misty Wright) who now lives in Wells, MN used to be my girlfriend in 1990AD.
Dawn Braesch's address: 6206 Quail Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 > Birthday 1/19/68
I deleted my #SlimBrowser Browser! It used to be my favorite Browser but now it's a piece of Junk! Now #PaleMoon is my favorite!
I pity the Fool who votes for #TamponTim and "Jezebel"!
I updated my Pale Moon browser, but I still am having problems with Facebook!
Why is m.Facebook switching to the www.Facebook kind? My computer doesn't work well with the www kind!
Mohammad was a Pedophile! Therefore ISLAM is an ABOMINATION! It needs to disappear from the Earth! SATAN talked to Mohammad not God!
This #DomeOfTheRock is an Abomination unto Yahweh! It SHALL be destroyed by 2027AD! (read DANIEL 12 and note that 1290 is NOT part of the 1335 as many are taught) so 1290+1335 = 2625 (and it's YEARS not Days)
My Soup = One Can of Campbell's Tomato Soup, One Can of Milk, two slices of Kraft America Cheese and one big handful of Doritos Spicy Nacho Cornchips!
Montana <3 South Dakota <3
Don't be a Soy Boy! Vote Republican! #SoyBoys
Facebook will not be available on this browser starting October 28, 2024 > I guess I will be down to just ONE browser that will work with Facebook. #Palemoon only
Thursday's "almost all 18's" Outdoor Workout: 18+18+18+18+18+18+20+20+18+20+18+18 = #222Reps total of Hybrid Squats. 34+34 = #68Reps total of Cheater #pullups and 18 Laps around the Tennis Court in my Wheelchair.
Naughty Walter Gregory cut down my favorite Tree! What should his punishment be?
Who ever is calling me from 507-512-1757 please STOP calling me!
Wednesday's Outdoor Workout at Woodcrest Park. 12+14+14+14+14+16+15+15+15+15+15+14 = #183Reps of Hybrid #Squats and 34+34+34 = #102Reps of Cheater #Pullups
I already VOTED! It was a good day so I voted before I went to Woodcrest Park and did 17 sets there where I also saw THREE DEER! Strangely almost nobody at Woodcrest Park today.
Thursday's Record Smashing #PowerTwister Workout: I did one Record Smashing set of #147Reps (overhand style) with my #Msnaile 50KG PT. 7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7 = #70Reps total (underhand style) with my #Movemint #Elite "50"+3KG Power-Twister which I call "The Bastard".
At my Birthday Party with the Gregory's this year, I was able to do more Power-Twister Reps than Kevin Gregory. (my 60 Reps to Kevin's 45 Reps) Little old 5'4" me beat the 6'6" giant. It was a nice day at Elm Creek Park Resv, a little warm though. Kevin's kids are sure to someday Tower above me too. Jeremiah already does.
I destroyed my old Record of 64 Reps and set a new Record of 207 Reps (underhand style) with my Msnaile 50KG Power-Twister!!! Praise Yahweh who had made my Fore-Arms extremely strong! HalleluYah!
Monday's very good #PowerTwister Workout: 20+20+27+21+20 = #108Reps total (overhand style) using my #Msnaile 50KG PT. 30+30+35+30 = #125Reps total (underhand style) using my Msnaile 50KG Power-Twister.
Yesterday I took my Car to the Repair Shop (Lithgow Automotive) in Corcoran MN. I rolled all the way home in my Wheelchair! You (I) notice things more when NOT in a Car. I now know where Heritage Christian Academy is (Bass Lake Road and W Fish Lake Road) and there is a Dog Park just south of Fish Lake. The sidewalk on E Fish Lake Road is TERRIBLE
Cornhuskers win 40-7 Love my Football "Huskers"!
My thoughts on the race for President (USA)? > Let the best MAN win!
Today I was doing some "Heavy Shreading"! Not what you think, or maybe it is. (Paper)
So Kamala Harris want Tyrant Timmy the Covid-Mask Dictator as her VP! #TimWalz #TamponTim