
Assad's Reign Is Over. What's Next for Syria? | WSJWhy Israel Attacked Syria? #israel #syria #russia敘利亞接下來的局勢應該是混戰可能性較大
How Assad Lost Syria & Escaped to Russia? #syria #is...
#SyriaSome in the West seem to believe that a wave of peace, joy, and freedom is about to sweep across Syria… Just a little reminder: the population is more likely to swap one tyrant for another.
Dermot Mulqueen
The real story behind the #SyrianCivilWar apart from the #GreaterIsrahell project & #AssadRegime support of Palestinians that the #JWOMedia never discuss.#JewSA #QatarTurkeyPipeline has triumphed over #IranIraqSyriaPipelineThe Clinton Foundation Took A Million Bucks From Qat...The Qatargate Files: Hundreds of leaked documents re...
Live Times
Syrian Civil War: सीरिया में गृह युद्ध की क्या है वजह और पूरी कहानी?पूरी खबर पढ़ने के लिए #Follow करें Live TimesSyrian Civil War: सीरिया में गृह युद्ध की क्या है वज...#SyrianWar #SyrianCivilWar #CivilWar #Livetimesnews #LTDigital #livetimes#syria #Assad #Syria #Russia #USA #Turkey #JaN #HTS #FSA #Israel #bombblast
Finally after 53 years since 1971 to 2024 the regime of Assad family and the Ba'ath Party in Syria have fallen. My hope for Syria is that the Syrian Civil War will end soon, freedom and peace will be restored and a new government will be formed. Long live Syria!#syria #longlivesyria #freesyria #syriancivilwar #syrianconflict #syrian #syrians #arabspring
歐德曼(old man)
#敘利亞 反抗軍 #沙姆解放組織 今日攻下首都 #大馬士革 ,總統 #阿薩德 傳已逃離 #敘利亞 國境下落不明?#阿拉伯之春 續集?#Syria #HTS #Basharal-Assad #Damascus