
#war_in_Ukraine:#USA/#NATO v. #Russia #war!(#deaths & #distruction in #Ukrainefor... #US #world_dominance keeping?!.)...USA #free_speech is... #over?(#persecutions on #journalists & #bloggers)...#Zelensky is a #nuclear_war #monger?...(by Mr. Ruslan #Kotsaba) ... •Руслан Коцаба: Свободы слова в Америке больше нет, Б...~ ••Кэндис Оуэнс заблокирована в YouTube! | Шоу Джимми Д...~ §∆§ `
aretes peligro ☢️ nuclear ☢️ grabadoscon acabado amarillo y negro,medidas ø20x1,6 mmcompras en:aretes peligro nuclear#aretes #arte #artesania #lapaz #grabado #andino #grabadoandino #feria #peligro #nuclear
I.#Israel threatens... #nuclear war?..(by S. #Ritter,Nov. 15, 2023)•https://cutt.us/...°Скотт Риттер и судья Наполитано (15 ноября 2023 г)~&•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/... ~ •• https://cutt.us/... ~ •••Israel’s Hannibal Directive: The Strategy of Killing...~ ••. •• https://cutt.us/... ~ §§. §. §§ `
#nuclear weaponsuse#doctrine changes:fromthe #USSR to #Russia(R. #Ishchenko)...•Ищенко: Демонстрация противнику, что никто отступать...~§
#war_in_Ukraine...War #end:#predictions / #forecasts... #2023 & #2024(Mr. Douglas #McGregor's#interviewstoMr. K. #Morris & Mr. D. #Davis)...Ukraine's Armed Forces#objective: capture #Kursk #NPP (#nuclear power plant) [#2024] ?.. •Полковник Макгрегор • займет ли Россия всю Украину~ & ••Полковник Макгрегор • Украину ожидает раздел~ ×^§∆§^×
#war_in_Ukraine&#freedom_of_speech...Why #Putin started#war in #2022 v. #Ukraine?..The #USA de facto used to plan#nuclear #weapons'sdeploymenton#Ukraine-#Russia #border!!. ... #Democracy & #freedom_of_speech in the #USA now?.. --- It's #nonsense!!. (Mr. T. #Carlson) ... •В США демократия?! Такер Карлсон разнес в пух и прах...~ ∆∆∆ / ∆∆∆∆∆ `
#Russia, #Ukraine, #China,#nuclearweapons(Ray #McGovern)...•Рэй Макговерн: Китай/Россия/Украина и ядерное оружие~∆
#nuclear weaponsuse#doctrine changes:fromthe #USSR to #Russia(R. #Ishchenko)...•Ищенко: Демонстрация противнику, что никто отступать...~§
Maddy Perennity
#BratSummer #NuclearWinter
Grow with ODM: Understanding Energy Generation by Nu...#GrowWithODM #NuclearFission #EnergyGeneration #CleanEnergy #NuclearPower #ScienceEducation #SustainableEnergy #STEMLearning #FutureOfEnergy #ODMCommunity
Dermot Mulqueen
Time for a total moratorium on #DataCentresin #Ireland.Finland & Sweden have lots of Land, Lakes & #NuclearPower.#AmazonPropagandaDermot Mulqueen on Gab: '#EnnisDataCentre gets the g...Prolonged dry spell 'a code red' for many in horticu...The rise and rise of data centres in Ireland
Dermot Mulqueen
The Final sting in the tail on #Leo’s last day as #Taoiseach.Let #CorruptLeo’s epitaph read:#LoxistLockdownLeo built Data Centres when the Irish needed Houses’These #DataCentres should be built in #Sweden & #Finland who’ve #NuclearPower &lots of Land & Lakes.#EnnisDataCentre#ByzantiumDayAn Bord Pleanála grant planning for Ennis Data Centr...
Screen Fandom
繼《奧本海默》又一核彈大片!《沙丘》名導 #丹尼維勒納夫 籌拍「核戰題材」新作丹導也要來搞核爆了!.#傳奇影業#Legendary#NuclearWar#DenisVilleneuve繼《奧本海默》又一核彈大片!《沙丘》名導丹尼維勒納夫籌拍「核戰題材」新作 | SCREEN FANDOM...
Today, we remember the Palomares atomic bomb disaster of 1966, a stark reminder of the consequences of nuclear accidents and the importance of global nuclear safety efforts. #PalomaresRemembered #NuclearSafetyThe Palomares Atomic Bomb Disaster Of 1966 | Weird H...