
🇺🇦 Fouinardz 🇺🇦
#KamalaHarris is winning!
The worldwide reggaeton musician Bad Bunny shared a video of Kamala Harris with his 45 million Instagram followers to support her in the US presidential campaign. #BadBunny #KamalaHarris #PuertoRico #Getlatests
歐德曼(old man)
#賀錦麗 #披掛上陣 後各家民調始終有小幅度的領先,但從上周三開始 #川普 追近了...同時上周三後有不少選戰專家與機構,從選戰數據上以模組推估,實際上 #川普 領先了,甚至賭盤都翻盤了開出 #川普 50.1VS49.7 #賀錦麗 !#美國 總統選舉非贏選票總數就贏,而是贏得 #選舉人團 票數多者贏。目前不少專家與機構推出若今天選舉的話, #賀錦麗 將贏得普選?但 #川普 將贏得 #選舉人票 ?當然還有十多天,所有民調、預測、預估、賭盤...都僅是參考!#2024美國總統大選 #RepublicanParty #DonaldTrump #DemocraticParty #KamalaHarris #WhiteHouse
We're not going back so let's win this because when we fight we win.#kamalaharris #kamalaharris2024 #votekamalaharris #votekamalaharris2024 #votekamala #voteharris #votekamala2024 #voteharris2024 #kamala2024 #harris2024 #kamala #harris #kamalaforpresident #kamalaharrisforpresident #kamalaharrisforthepeople #vote2024 #voteblue #voteblue2024 #sofiaflorina
#KamalaHarris #DonaldTrump #AfricalPolitics #Video #YTVideo:What a Trump or Kamala Presidency would mean for Afr...
These are the slogans of Kamala Harris 2024 presidential campaign: "When we fight, we win", "We're not going back", and "Let's win this".Vote Kamala Harris! 💙💙💙#kamalaharris #kamalaharris2024 #votekamalaharris #votekamala #voteharris
歐德曼(old man)
#美國 副總統 #賀錦麗 與前總統 #川普 總統大選辯論後,無論是針對辯論本身或者是候選人的民調, #賀錦麗 似乎都佔了上風。當然 #川普 #一如預期 被逼急了就會 #口不擇言 ,尤其是唐突的想甩晶片的鍋瞎扯 #台灣 ,不僅讓盟友中槍,對於辯論本身沒有一丁點好處。#不可諱言 的是,主持人似乎也有那麼一點點偏心,可能因上一場川拜辯論受到批評之故,所以這場有即時錯誤澄清, #川普 #失言頻頻 自然會感覺自己被針對。至於 #賀錦麗 是否因此就穩進 #白宮 了,目前還 #言之過早 !#2024美國總統大選 #RepublicanParty #DonaldTrump #DemocraticParty #KamalaHarris #WhiteHouse
You are right Kamala, we are not going back, it's time to turn the page. American people have much more in common than what separates them. This optimism must be maintained and this is what will make you win. Vote Kamala!Watch the full Second Presidential Debate Hosted by ...#kamalaharris #kamalaharris2024 #votekamalaharris #votekamala #voteharris #votekamala2024 #voteharris2024
This second debate perhaps the most important point in this 2024 presidential election. We can see who will win this election, it's so clear now for the voters. Let's make Kamala win this election, for the better America.#kamalaharris #kamalaharris2024 #votekamalaharris #votekamala #voteharris #votekamala2024 #voteharris2024
I cant believe it but she did it, Kamala Harris won the second US presidential debate on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 hosted by ABC. Her performance was really good and professional, can't be compared to Trump. It was Kamala's night, she has that night.#kamalaharris #kamalaharris2024 #votekamalaharris #votekamala #voteharris #votekamala2024 #voteharris2024
歐德曼(old man)
#美國 副總統 #賀錦麗 與前總統 #川普 將於美東時間10日晚間9時進行總統大選辯論。世界最強大的國家即將大選,到底誰能入主 #白宮 ,成為未來四年帶領 #美國 的領導人呢?相信舉世關注。雖然辯論並非選舉,但卻能對一個多月後的選舉產生不小影響。目前所有民調都顯示兩人 #伯仲之間 ,只是 #川普 是否會有 #驚人之語 ?或是 #賀錦麗 也要喊 #讓美國再次偉大 ?沒人知道,所以只能看他們會怎麼辯了!#2024美國總統大選 #RepublicanParty #DonaldTrump #DemocraticParty #KamalaHarris #WhiteHouse
Apart from politics, one thing that I also like from Kamala Harris is that she is a Libra and I am a Libra too. We are Libra gang, and to be specific, we are democratic Libra.#sofiaflorina #ソフィアフロリナ #kamala #kamalaharris #kamala2024 #harris2024 #kamalaharris2024 #democrats #democrat #democratic #democraticparty #libra #zodiac
(國際)外地女孩餓死在出租公寓…看哭了中國人!高學歷名校畢業,每天僅花5塊只為考公務員,催淚結局令人不捨說好的抵制呢?壽司郎北京開幕…小粉紅寧可半夜排隊也要吃!台灣人吃不起,預約排到20天候轟動新加坡!中國網紅集體搶劫洋樓⋯逃亡機場被抓,小粉紅大鬧日本,痛嗆馬來西亞機場搞台獨,中國留學生大鬧洛...中國遊戲悟空搞台獨⋯製作人被舉報!小粉紅嗆:台灣人氣哭,破台灣連3A都沒有,悟空是統戰?事實上黑神話悟空...中國網紅贏了…長榮道歉發表反台獨聲明?小粉紅不買帳持續抵制,黃安回台灣用健保,嗆台灣人繳稅養我真爽哈里斯經濟學來了!哈里斯和川普,誰會對中國更狠?#kamalaharris |米國路邊社 [202408...馬英九宣布反共,打臉愛國粉紅!中國式民主又鬧大笑話!中國崩潰前兆!張獻忠現象已經在各地湧現...中國奧運隊員覲見習皇上,李嘉誠承認已經潤了!360國產手錶辱華AI太勁爆,粉紅徹底崩潰...喜迎真实荒漠复活!这两年她为何消失?Louise讲述心路历程,纵论自媒体江湖 | 说真话的徐某人 @re...長榮致歉聲明不提五星旗,又在耍粉紅!黃安大酸台灣人,爽用健保坐等統一!賴清德應該如何修理他?(國際/軍事)2000俄軍被俘虜!烏控1000平方公里俄境,庫爾斯克戰役繼續!還不進行全國總動員,普京在怕什么?| 說...
Vote Blue, Vote Democrat! 💙🇺🇲#voteblue #votedemocrat #votebluetosaveamerica #votebluetoprotectourrights #voteblueforsomanyreasons #democrats #democraticparty #vote2024 #foramerica #votekamala #voteharris #votekamalaharris #kamala #harris #kamalaharris #kamala2024 #harris2024 #kamalaharris2024 #sofiaflorina #ソフィアフロリナ
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Take action to elect Kamala Harris as President#KamalaHarris