
This is a list of foreign-born US politicians on Wikipedia, this is very interesting for me to know this. Maybe I could be one of them later, let's see in the future.List of foreign-born United States politicians - Wik...#sofiaflorina #ソフィアフロリナ #unitedstatesofamerica #unitedstates #usa #us #uspolitics #uspoliticians #americanpolitics #politics #politicians #interesting
when you had plans in the morning then got cancelled, but then re-activated but postponed to evening - then somehow got invited to another meetup at night, like a whole nighter event LOLAnd in the morning you decided to run some errands so you end up having an eventful day 🙃 #interesting
Blessed Odyssey: A Life of Freedom and Joy: Discover "The Four Agreements", A life-changing book!A Life of Freedom and Joy: Discover "The Four Agreem...#books #reads #interestingbooks #reading