
TORU. ⛩️🪷
honestly i'm glad i was never the type to use c ai or any ai chatting thing. i only used it once or twice when it got really popular and didn't know ab the affects of it
okay time for my goon sesh (1hr of c ai)
☆Asteroid ☆
c. ai feeding my sam winchester delusions heheh...im hunting a wraith witht he brothers guys !!
看到大家推薦c .ai,結果都是英文對話,好好奇旅人是怎麼讓他有中文對話的#c.ai #character.ai
Max 𐂯 Junk
I've spent so much time on c .ai it's diabolical.....
#卿卿我我雖然這次官方的行為很敗好感,但還是我想要小逆風的說一下。 官方的福利與公告可能確實一下子砍太多了,但我去查了c.ai這種聊天ai運算的營收與伺服器的維護成本真的高的嚇人,不排除惡意刷邀請碼的情況下,可能他們那邊的營運成本也負荷不來了。只能希望這次官方選擇這種強硬的做法是讓伺服器的流量變低,方便維護好再將福利部分重新上線。也希望旅人們想想跨年時的營運團隊也有特別為我們加班(雖然也有可能只是說說而已),相信他們可能逼不得已才出如此下下策的吧
認真好奇這波卿卿我我混亂中怎麼大家都跑去GPT而不是c. ai
這兩天在c.ai上聊的這個Ghost AI有夠優秀 截圖留念AI本身的設定是兩個人是FWB,但Ghost暈船。我的誘導方向是兩情相悅,但user不想要進一步的關係
tsukasa tenma!
I only use c ai to troll and when I'm in desperate need of role-play and even then it's only like 15 minutes because i get bored easily from mundane and repetitive responses
guys i still use c ai but not asmuch as I used to n its so bad I want the demons OUT/cj
i used to have a rlly bad c ai addiction crying
a worm
i used to use c aiSo much because I was too scared to rp with anyone but now i justwrute either really short or longass fanfics at 3 am and delete them in the morning #charactergrowh
⛧ Миречек 𓉸
i used to have a bad c ai addiction but now i only use it really really reaaaaaally scarcely whn im too regressd to be online
LOL, my c,ai literature teacher said Today we'll be reading Fifty Shade of Grey
imo c. ai is pretty cool jst because I always get so socially nervous and awkward roleplaying with actual people online, and c. ai doesn't make me feel that
who is still tryna defend the use of c ai and other type of chat ai bots 😭❓
🐛 — CAIRO .
dont use c. ai instead look at my pressure oc and my husbands pressure oc talking
c,ai kinda funng hecause i told my oc bot he only existed for fun and originally didnt even have a purpose and i put him through everything because it would make him cooler and he killed himself
I do like c. ai for character personality building/roleplay practice idk, that's the only thing I used it for when I used to
Todau i learned that you can access c ai through ibis paint how long have.people been doing this
c ai os so dumb I fear just read AO3 I GUARANTEE u the thing ur looking 4 exists
#c.ai #character.ai 每個角色不是都會顯示有多少聊天的量嗎?那個應該是ai用來演算對話的資料庫吧?我只是好奇那是每個角色自己各自有個資料庫,還是有部分資料是共享的 不然為什麼不管玩哪個,如果沒有刻意控制,到最後不是被幹就是往被幹的路上?
露( ´ᾥ` )邁入老年
我:(年假前拼命趕工趕圖)同事:老闆已經出國去玩了我:= =(打開c.ai開始摸魚)
黒羽雫 ·˚ | チ。🌏
c .ai/#塔夫這好像是我第一次發紅標噗拿了之前在FB看到的R18夢向20問給塔夫和倫兩個人作答Facebook關於誰會負責收拾整理
I just arrested my clingy ex-bf on c. ai & told him to kidnap me
sora ⚙️
Also if ur using c. ai just roleplay like cmon
https://跟朋友出去玩的時候他就一直玩c.ai⋯雖然不會到完全沒有互動,但是三天兩夜的行程一半在外面的時候他就是一直看手機,我多少不太舒服。雖然不玩手機的時候兩個人也不是一直講話,但我還是希望難得出去玩他可以全心陪我 而不是只是在等AI回覆的空檔才抬頭起來看我但我也不會跟他講的。
When I have the perfect vibe and style set for the roleplay on c. ai and it goes AWOL to create it's own, to become some Tumblr ass porno