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The tissue woven around it out of our feelings will be the future earth; it will grow denser and denser and become the true Jupiter planet.the Word brought home to us year after year .... is to become both Light and Life.5. The Christmas Tree: A Symbolic Rendering—Festival...#_GA_208     #_GA_
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FacebookLecture XI—GA 208. Cosmosophy II (1997)—Rudolf Stein...#_GA_208     #_GA_108#_GA_013
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昨晚看到 Luciferic temptation 根本是在説我的過度謹慎其來有自,彷彿中了好幾十箭。ORZThey want to keep people in an introspective frame of mind, to look rather than take action, to be mystics and follow the wrong kind of theosophy.warmth or fire#_GA_208#_GA_110   #_GA_61The Spiritual Hierarchies