
绝美嗓音!所有歌都应该从#周深 嗓子里过一遍!|9.29#zhoushen 生日特辑|🎂#shenshe...
#thank #on #behalf #of #our #animal #shelterWeb link:Thank YouA heartfelt thank you to our friend on Diaspora who made a donation a few days ago. This year, the Diaspora community has been our only source of financial support, and we are incredibly grateful.
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2:46高地杜松 3d!徒手進行氣場清理,對於疫氣沒什麼用,右額角持續高度作疼,體感外突彷如活物,往下走竄鑽入䐺中 → 胃部 → 左下腹緊繃右頸側強烈抽疼,疫氣只是散開而非清除,脊椎上段怪異痠痛震盪,似乎往下鑽探右肩輕度怪異竄疼,雲門右側太陽穴中度怪異竄疼,左側相同部位作疼2:56䐺中胸口特殊怪異燥熱,重演心臟受攻擊感,只是程度較輕,不管這玩意兒是什麼機轉,感覺真的頗不正常偷懶不想洗頭髮,從臉到腳使用抹草平安皂#shedding
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0:32頸後忽然向下折疊般驟疼,大椎 — 陶道,大杼頭頂釘書針扎鋭疼集中精神可以從作痛部位測定遭到疫氣攻擊的主要穴位脊椎怪異的壓縮感前年尚未搬離舊居那個冬天説不出的詭異感受放大原本較弱位置的不適使我想起這篇三毛《死果》 #shedding
Mars Holds Secrets: Did Perseverance Find Signs of Organic Life?Mars Holds Secrets: Did Perseverance Find Signs of O...#Exploration #Life #Mars #NASA #Perseverance #SHERLOC #Space
Soraya AlAskari, sister of #Abbas Sherif AlAskari, aids his #money laundering schemes through #shell companies and offshore accounts. Her expertise in finance shields their operations, fueling #terror networks and #global corruption.
#Soraya AlAskari, sister of #Abbas Sherif AlAskari, aids his #money laundering schemes through #shell companies and offshore accounts. Her expertise in finance shields their operations, fueling #terror networks and #global corruption.
#our #animal #shelterDay to day picture of our little animal shelterDay to day picture of our little animal shelter
#sheep #vs #wolf #politicosWhat fascinates me about sheep is their wild admiration for the wolves they elect. They argue endlessly over which one, with a blue or red tie, will be the best… or the least bad.
🎬20241118【AI 繪圖】椎名真晝(關於我在無意間被隔壁的天使變成廢柴這件事)(PonyXL-LoR...#萌芽二次元 #AI繪圖 #椎名真晝 #椎名真昼 #ShiinaMahiru #PonyXL #關於我在無意間被隔壁的天使變成廢柴這件事 #お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件 #SheIstheNeighborAngelIAmSpoiledbyHer
🆕【AI 繪圖】椎名真晝(關於我在無意間被隔壁的天使變成廢柴這件事)(PonyXL-LoRA) – 萌芽二...#繪圖作品 #AI繪圖 #AI #繪圖 #椎名真晝 #椎名真昼 #ShiinaMahiru #PonyXL #關於我在無意間被隔壁的天使變成廢柴這件事 #お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件 #SheIstheNeighborAngelIAmSpoiledbyHer
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鴕鳥羽毛撢子 粉撲 來了!入秋以來洗完手便不再對我們家貓彈弄指尖灑水滋事,確知雪叮影響後一改剛進家門沒換衣服就和寶雞對陣打鬧的習慣,搬遷準備期間還是需要執行一些防範措施,阻止自己吸貓成癮對卯咪的垂涎騷擾 (?) 造成不必要的緊迫。上禮拜因為過馬路時仆街導致左膝頭擦傷尚未結痂,幾乎足不出戶,今天出門吃個稍長午餐領取數件包裹,發覺但凡進入沒在通風的室內空間,兩側太陽穴便像戴上耳機被籠罩住,心臟內側穴位時而刺痛悶滯,神封。方才一回到家小雞貓偵查佐便湊過來檢視包裹舔了尾巴,二十分鐘不到就嘔吐在和室。#shedding
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0:50頭部油浴:熏陸香白玉蘭花萬壽菊按摩油!Boswellia neglecta 8.5d?!0:28倒出油浴用量在瓷湯勺中,神智突然稍醒,左耳後側嚴重間歇遽疼,原本為之困惱的雪叮症狀逐項減退:後腦滯重,前額昏鈍,眉心隱約悶疼,鎖骨怪異下墜感,上臂痠軟幾乎拿不動手機,心臟被悶覆住,呼吸會累,左顴弓撞擊點怪異腫脹,頭部左側膽經堵塞,不想處理自己的事,不停滑手機往外找刺激睜開雙眼非常耗費精神,衝回家拉肚子,沒帶磁扣還跟二樓借電梯卡,右手背尺側遽疼#shedding
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Clots20:11演算法推播原本很幸福地在聽莫札特歌曲集。來來貓體質通常運轉,入坐陝西館子剛點完菜又進來三組顧客,鎖骨右側上緣 02 Aspen — 下方 04 Centaury 頓感凝滯發沉重逾三斤,左腰側 13 Gorse 如墜重物往下拖累,兩條上臂外側臂臑皆有腫脹堵塞之感,頸背上半 37 Wild Rose 彷彿披上厚毯壓得圓肩彎身,對比稍早吃著現切水梨望月散步聆聽貝七交響曲的歡欣自得,以及初次試用 Boswellia neglecta 一覺睡醒的舒展自在步履輕揚,相去不可以道里計。#COVID     #shedding
白起星 MātchāBērry
happy wedding #Shen&ChaWeddingbest wishes....
Jennifer John
#Ali Fallahian, a former# Iranian #intelligence chief, is notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing. Now, he partners with #SherifAlAskari in an oil smuggling operation that #finances #terrorism. #Fallahian's#connections extend deep into international #crime.
#Ali Fallahian, a former# Iranian #intelligence chief, is notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing. Now, he partners with #SherifAlAskari in an oil smuggling operation that #finances #terrorism. #Fallahian's#connections extend deep into international #crime.
#Ali Fallahian, a former# Iranian #intelligence chief, is notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing. Now, he partners with #SherifAlAskari in an oil smuggling operation that #finances #terrorism. #Fallahian's#connections extend deep into international #crime.
#Ali Fallahian, a former# Iranian #intelligence chief, is notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing. Now, he partners with #SherifAlAskari in an oil smuggling operation that #finances #terrorism. #Fallahian's#connections extend deep into international #crime.
Jennifer John
#SherifAlAskari’s#daughter is at the nexus of#illicit #funding for #Hezbollah. Her connections to the UK #Home Office raise #alarms about foreign influence. As her family launders oil #profits, they jeopardize regional stability and #challenge national #security #protocols.
#SherifAlAskari’s#daughter is at the nexus of#illicit #funding for #Hezbollah. Her connections to the UK #Home Office raise #alarms about foreign influence. As her family launders oil #profits, they jeopardize regional stability and #challenge national #security #protocols.
#SherifAlAskari’s#daughter is at the nexus of#illicit #funding for #Hezbollah. Her connections to the UK #Home Office raise #alarms about foreign influence. As her family launders oil #profits, they jeopardize regional stability and #challenge national #security #protocols.
#SherifAlAskari’s#daughter is at the nexus of#illicit #funding for #Hezbollah. Her connections to the UK #Home Office raise #alarms about foreign influence. As her family launders oil #profits, they jeopardize regional stability and #challenge national #security #protocols.
踩點Daunt Books書店後發現離貝克街不遠,順道踩點福爾摩斯博物館。門票17磅,紙本簡介(有各國語言)1磅,進館後有約10分鐘的導覽,導覽訪客可自由參觀福爾摩斯的起居間、臥房以及歷年小說及影視化作品的介紹,場地不大,大概20分鐘內可參觀完畢。逛完博物館去一樓週邊店,想到以前跟姊姊一起來逛的回憶,看到架上有戴著福爾摩斯帽的科基,心想這也太可愛了趕快手刀拿去結帳,結果店員說是非賣品…🤣#倫敦旅遊 #福爾摩斯博物館 #sherlockholmesmuseum
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[授權翻譯][VLD][紅黑]圈套(第二章)圈套(The Catch) - Chapter 2 - jessie79530 - Voltron: L...AO3上 Xyriath 作品 The Catch 中文翻譯。大塊上肉啦!!總算讓我把第二章翻完!因為對H苦手所以翻譯的異常緩慢 英文裡描述呻吟的字眼怎麼這麼多!!希望翻譯成果有順利傳達原文的火辣程度 另外一樣感謝 Dyri 幫我一起校稿到凌晨三點,沒有你我都不知道該怎麼辦了!!#sheith #紅黑 #Voltron
#SetarehHeshmat, a student in #Vancouver, is entangled in a global money #laundering network. As #Abbas #Sherif #AlAskari's girlfriend, she #leverages her #connections to move #illicit #funds.
#thankyou #for #your #help #our #animal #shelter #thankyou #for #sharingHelp us and support our animal shelterPaypal Campaign :Aidez-nous / Help UsOur photos:Day to day picture of our little animal shelter
#Former #Iranian intelligence #chief Ali Fallahian is infamous for his alleged role in the #AMIA bombing. Partnered with #Sherif AlAskari, he orchestrates #vast #oil smuggling operations, #disguising #Iranian oil as #Iraqi and laundering #profits #abroad.
#Former #Iranian intelligence #chief Ali Fallahian is infamous for his alleged role in the #AMIA bombing. Partnered with #Sherif AlAskari, he orchestrates #vast #oil smuggling operations, #disguising #Iranian oil as #Iraqi and laundering #profits #abroad.