
Erzurum Valisi Çiftçi, Macera Tutkunlarıyla Kar Raftingi YaptıErzurum Valisi Mustafa Çiftçi macera tutkunlarıyla birlikte Söğütlü köyünde kar üzerinde off-road ve rafting yaptı.Erzurum Valisi Mustafa Çiftçi, kentin gizli hoşluklarını ortaya çıkarmak ve tanıtmak ...#Başkenti #Erzurum #Kar #Kış #Macera #Rafting #Söğütlü #Spor #Vali
Mount Bromo, Rafting, Ijen Crater Tour 4 Days is one of Our private travel package in East Java Island to Sunrise on Bromo mountain peak, Rafting on Pekalen river, and sulfuric Ijen Crater of Banyuwangi. #rafting #pekalenrafting #ijencratertour #mountbromo #travel #ijenvolcanotour #mountbromotourpackageDetail Itinerary :Mt Bromo, Songa Rafting, Ijen Crater Tour 4 Days
We finally able to answer parents concern on wether #raftingbali is safe for kids or not. Read this if you want to know the details.Is Bali Rafting Safe for Kids? We Answer Parents Con...
We finally able to answer parents concern on wether #raftingbali is safe for kids or not. Read this if you want to know the details.Is Bali Rafting Safe for Kids? We Answer Parents Con...