
Dermot Mulqueen
My complaint against #QuareVictimhood huckstering on #TheHistoryShow on #RTE Radio 1 on 7thApril2024#AnglicanJewishAlliance control the Media and Education in Ireland to the detriment of 95% of the Irish people.#DavidNorris #RonitLentin#BAMEPrivilege #LuciferianPrivilege#LáFirFíorGael#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchDermot Mulqueen on Gab: '8th April, 2024 RTE Complai...
Dermot Mulqueen
The sculptor Imogen Stuart passed away recently at the age of 96. She was born in 1927 in Berlin, moving to Ireland in 1949The 2023 #ImogenStuart documentary on #RTEPlayer is worth watching to get an understanding of how #JewishVictimhood huckstering works.#LittleWandaWithTheBraids#AndrewJoyce#SimonOfTrentDermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'Imogen Stuart passed away r...
Dermot Mulqueen
#RTENews is still controlled by #ZionistAngloAmericanWarMachine & their #HoloHoax Industry#TheKikes control Ukraine & #Putin is backed by Kike #BorisSpiegel#PopePiusXII #JewishVictimhoodUkrainian minister criticises Pope's 'white flag' ca...Pope Pius XII in the Second World WarThe Auschwitz Hoax Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth (...David Cole: David Cole in Auschwitz—David Cole Inter...The Greatest Story NEVER Told | The Untold Story of ...
Dermot Mulqueen
#MylesDungan at the #HistoryShow #RTE never mentioned this report on 10th March 2024 when discussing #Fluoridation and the #IrishDentalAssociation. #IDA#IrishWaterFluoridation#WaterFluoridation#RTEHistoryShowFluoride: The Dáil Report That Was Suppressed | Hotp...
Dermot Mulqueen
Why has it taken until now for #RTENews and #AntiIrishTimes to highlight the dangers of #NitrousOxide ?#Frostbite#BrainFog#Neurological#Ireland4TheIrishDay#LáFirFíorGaelChildren as young as 10 are experimenting with nitro...Warning of frostbite injuries from nitrous oxide mis...