
吾皆娑婆 鴉殺三千浮屠之影
Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) on X#MSNBC 員工因網絡面臨品牌重塑和分拆而陷入恐慌今天,微軟全國廣播公司召開危機會議,康卡斯特(Comcast) 宣布計劃將其有線電視網絡拆分為「分拆公司」(SpinCo),這讓員工對可能發生的更名、裁員以及與NBC 新聞資源的分離感到恐慌。「每個人都感到恐慌,因為一切都懸而未決,」一位內部人士透露。自從川普獲勝以來,該電視網的收視率下降了 39%,而其競爭對手福克斯新聞的收視率卻在增長,這使得該電視網的問題更加嚴重。《早安喬》主持人喬·斯卡伯勒捕捉到了這種心情:一年後我們都可能被解僱。此次分拆的年收入價值為 70 億美元,隨著有線電視訂閱持續縮減,MSNBC 的未來充滿不確定性。#小心你觀看的主流媒體
Maddy Perennity
Haha, far-left #MSNBC and #CNN deleted their election stream from their YT channels. They're so triggered. Seethe, evildoers.
Thursday's Record Smashing #PowerTwister Workout: I did one Record Smashing set of #147Reps (overhand style) with my #Msnaile 50KG PT. 7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7 = #70Reps total (underhand style) with my #Movemint #Elite "50"+3KG Power-Twister which I call "The Bastard".
Maddy Perennity
Alt-media journalist confronts far-left #MSNBC pedophile Maggie Vespa for her lies and malinformation as her lumbering obese camera crew assault and try to silence him:Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) on X
Monday's very good #PowerTwister Workout: 20+20+27+21+20 = #108Reps total (overhand style) using my #Msnaile 50KG PT. 30+30+35+30 = #125Reps total (underhand style) using my Msnaile 50KG Power-Twister.
In this infographics, we will learn about the difference between Microsoft audience network and other advertising network.To know more, do visit:Microsoft Audience Network: All You Need To Know#Microsoftaudiencenetwork #MSNadvertising #msnads #msnpayperclickadvertising #costofadvertisingonmsn #bingads #adspytool
Facebook白月光它好像要復活了(大概)#msn #美少年夢工廠