
Dermot Mulqueen
How the #JWO #HostileElite defeated the British #WorkingClass in 1984#HoloHoaxer #Thatcher spent £millions trying to prove a fallacy that #GlobalWarming was due to CO2 to destroy #MiningCommunitiesThe #BattleOfOrgreave #Agobard1984: The Miners' Strike That Shook Britain | Miners...The Battle Of Orgreave: Police's Horrific Clash With...Thatcher Vs The Miners: The Propaganda War That Ende...Dermot Mulqueen on Gab: '#ClimateIsControlledByCloud...
《販售文-現貨》商品留言處更新(立牌、徽章、鑰匙圈、黏土人、娃娃、CD、JF相卡、盤子、枕頭、枕頭套、毯子、拍立得等)📌買滿1500,會另外附贈品。(黏土人套組不附)📌其它規則請看留言處,同意再喊收。📌只有店到店。自行提供代碼,風險自負。📌滿100才出貨。📌不提供額外照片。#黑子的籃球 #影子籃球員 #黑籃 #影籃#黑子 #赤司 #黃瀨 #綠間 #紫原 #青峰 #火神 #Jworld #JF
《販售文-現貨》📌現貨,商品+價格參照留言處。📌店到店:看總金額,參閱留言處。📌其它規則請看留言處,同意再喊收。📌不提供額外照片#火影忍者 #Jworld 立牌/扭蛋/磚/景品#佐助 #鳴人 #寧次 #天天 #卡卡西 #鼬
Dermot Mulqueen
The motion 4debate is:Because the #LimeyLiars won’t admit they used Torture to establish #HoloHoax, the #JWO #KalergiPlan #DiversityGenocide agenda controls the Arts and #ArtsCouncil in #Ireland and a separate Arts Council and Funding should be established for #IrishPatriots who realise Diversity =Genocide of the Irish.Dermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'The motion 4debate is: Beca...