
Dermot Mulqueen
The motion 4debate is:‘No Jew apart from #GerardMenuhin should feel comfortable and inspired in #Ireland b/c Jews have brought the Irish nothing but misery with their #JewishVictimhood, lies, deceit, and #SocialEngineering’The Misplaced Minister: Ireland and Israel’s Alan Sh...“Become other than White”: Ireland and Radical Jewis...The SS Empire Windrush: The Jewish Origins of Multic...
Dermot Mulqueen
Time for a total moratorium on #DataCentresin #Ireland.Finland & Sweden have lots of Land, Lakes & #NuclearPower.#AmazonPropagandaDermot Mulqueen on Gab: '#EnnisDataCentre gets the g...Prolonged dry spell 'a code red' for many in horticu...The rise and rise of data centres in Ireland
Dermot Mulqueen
The motion 4debate is:Because the #LimeyLiars won’t admit they used Torture to establish #HoloHoax, the #JWO #KalergiPlan #DiversityGenocide agenda controls the Arts and #ArtsCouncil in #Ireland and a separate Arts Council and Funding should be established for #IrishPatriots who realise Diversity =Genocide of the Irish.Dermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'The motion 4debate is: Beca...
Dermot Mulqueen
The #IrishGovernment should do the honourable thing regarding this #AlanShatter #KalergiPlan genocide #GoldenVisa scheme by returning their bribes for residency, cancel their visas, Irish residency and citizenships and move on.Non-Europeans identify as BAME & POC#IrelandBelongsToTheIrishThe Misplaced Minister: Ireland and Israel’s Alan Sh...
Dermot Mulqueen
How to unify #Ireland into an Independent Nation.Britain enforced Partition and can end it.#IrishUnification#IsÉAnFhírinneAmháinFírinneIomlán#HowIrelandWorks#KevinKilbaneIsRight#StartrekWereRight#UnitedIrishMen #UnitedIrishWomen#ANationOnceAgain
Dermot Mulqueen
Is there #WeatherManipulation going on to break the spirit of the farmers in #Ireland and Europe so that they cave in to #WindFarms and #SolarPower and we lose control of our #FoodSupply to the Oligarchs?#ClimateJusticeScamChina's Secretive Power: Controlling the WeatherWide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) on X
Dermot Mulqueen
The price #Ireland and the Gaelic Irish pay for having a treacherous #LegalProfession, Political system and Media who profit from the #KalergiPlan genocide of the Irish people.#HowIrelandWorks#Ireland4TheIrishDay#DarwinWasWrong#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchDeportation system 'highly litigious' and flights 'f...Dermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'How to solve Ireland’s #Mas...
Dermot Mulqueen
The motion 4debate is:#KevinKilbane is right in stating that #Britain should fund the reunification of #Ireland; as it will eventually save the #BritishExchequer £10 Billion per year subvention when the 30 years of reunification have elapsed and Ireland is fully united’#Ireland4TheIrishDay#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchDermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'The motion 4debate is: ‘Aft...
Dermot Mulqueen
The motion 4debate is:#KevinKilbane is right in stating that #Britain should fund the reunification of #Ireland; as it will eventually save the #BritishExchequer £10 Billion per year subvention when the 30 years of reunification have elapsed and Ireland is fully united’#Ireland4TheIrishDay#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBrách
Dermot Mulqueen
Most of the #TopScams in #Ireland result from the fact that the #LimeyLiars and #StubbornAsMuleSnobs at the #HouseOfCommons won’t admit that they used torture to create the #HoloHoax 2end #KalergiPlanDermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'Sweden and Finland have eno...The torture of #RudolfHössCommandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss Vol. 35 (2020)How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf H...https://holocausthandbooks.com/...
Dermot Mulqueen
Why can’t he admit that the #HolocaustWasAHoax established using torture to end the #KalergiPlan, population replacement genocide of the Irish people?We need a #Taoiseach who’s a Patriot not a puppet of #KikeRatBono #GeorgeSoros and the #HostileElite#Ireland4TheIrishSimon Harris promises to be 'a Taoiseach for all'White genocide explained in 2 minutesorlared: Bono's NGO 'ONE' aims to facilitate the imm...
Dermot Mulqueen
#DontStartVaping #YouthVaping#HCCVapes cause #Psychosis & are available to buy in #VapeShops in #Ireland#DangerOfHCCVapesSide effects#Addiction To #Nicotine#WeakerBones (Nicotine inhibits #BoneFormingCells)#LungDamage #PopCornLung#Tiredness#LackOfMotivation#Menthol #Cinnamon most toxichttps://www.hse.ie/...
Dermot Mulqueen
There’s no proof #GlobalWarming is man made.#ClimateJusticeScamCall for alternative location for homeless IP applic...Varadkar 'supports' proposal that could see asylum s...How to resolve Ireland’s #MassMigration #KalergiPlan population replacement Genocide problem in 5 minutes: Admit #DarwinWasWrong about #HumanEvolution#Ireland4TheIrishDay #ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchDermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'How to solve Ireland’s #Mas...
Dermot Mulqueen
One of the many reasons that we’re not educated about #Aristotle at school.#ClimateJusticeScam#HoloHoax to drive #KalergiPlan#Ireland4TheIrishDay#LáFirFíorGael
Dermot Mulqueen
3 paintings that you won’t be getting a chance to view at the 2024 #RHAAnnualExhibition in #Dublin.—-The Art World is cliquey - especially in #Ireland.#LáFirFíorGael#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchThe Auschwitz Hoax Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth (...
Dermot Mulqueen
#Israhell Luciferian Kikes are using #WhitePhosphorusThe #HoloHoax is a Jewish #RevengeReligion that was used to establish #Israhell, coerce reparations from Germany and the JewSA and to destroy European countries and civilisations via open borders mass migration.#Ireland4TheIrishDay#LáFirFíorGaelIrish peacekeepers observe Israel use white phosphor...
Dermot Mulqueen
Why has it taken until now for #RTENews and #AntiIrishTimes to highlight the dangers of #NitrousOxide ?#Frostbite#BrainFog#Neurological#Ireland4TheIrishDay#LáFirFíorGaelChildren as young as 10 are experimenting with nitro...Warning of frostbite injuries from nitrous oxide mis...
Dermot Mulqueen
#ZionistBono’s toxic war against #IrishNationalism.Bono’s got his #AnglicanJewishAlliance Network stuck in every level of decision-making in #Ireland.#JewishHuckstering turning #JewishVictimhood into #JewishExceptionismMinister seeks advice on taxpayers' €4.2m invested in companies in illegal Israeli settlements via #ISIFMinister seeks advice on taxpayers' €4.2m invested i...
Dermot Mulqueen
Turning #Ireland’s fertile land into #SolarFarms is a crazy policy that will result in Food Shortages and #HungerGamesSolar Farms should be left for #DesertRegionsThere’s no evidence that #GlobalWarming is man made.#ClimateJusticeScam#GlobalWarmingScamDermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'The motion 4debate is: #Zer...The great solar farm debate: The future of clean ene...Solar panels get €1,000/acre so what’s the catch?
Dermot Mulqueen
March to end the #KalergiPlan population replacement Genocide of the Irish#GardenOfRemembrance 2pm Monday, the 5th of February, 2024#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBrách#Ireland4TheIrishDay
Dermot Mulqueen
In a/c of the 4,000 #BlackAxe criminals already in #Ireland, why hasn’t #Nigeria been moved to the Safe List of Countries?#Nigerians & #Pakis have loads of countries in their own continents in which to apply for Asylum.The #HoloHoax is a Jewish #RevengeReligion to bring about the destruction of Europe via #MassMigration.Nigerian Computer programmer became recruiter for in...
Dermot Mulqueen
How to resolve Ireland’s #MassMigration #KalergiPlan Genocide problem in 5 minutes:#DarwinWasWrong about #HumanEvolution#Ireland4TheIrishDay#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchDermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'How to resolve Ireland’s #M...
Dermot Mulqueen
When will these #IrishPatriots visit #TCD & tell Trinity to admit #HoloHoax to end #KalergiPlan?When will these #IrishPatriots visit the homes of #LoxistLeo, #MichealDavos #QuareHawkRoddy #KikeRatBono, #JamieDrummond ?#Ireland4TheIrishDay#StrategiesOfProtestOff-Grid Ireland ☘️ (@OffgridIreland) on XLawyers For Justice Ireland (@LFJIreland) on XNew data reveals breakdown of asylum seekers per cou...
Dermot Mulqueen
#IrishPatriots take on the #IrishTraitors who’re profiting from #KalergiPlan Genocide of the Irish.When will they visit the homes of #LoxistLeo, #MichealDavos #QuareHawkRoddy #KikeRatBono, #JamieDrummond ?#Ireland4TheIrishDay#StrategiesOfProtestOff-Grid Ireland ☘️ (@OffgridIreland) on XLawyers For Justice Ireland (@LFJIreland) on XNew data reveals breakdown of asylum seekers per cou...
Dermot Mulqueen
#PhilipDwyer exposing the fact that #Ukrainian officials are selling Ukrainian passports to Asians who then use them to move to Ireland.Revoke #1951UNHRCConventionOnRefugees#PeopleTrafficing#Ireland4TheIrishDay#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchAmy Mek (@AmyMek) on XDermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'This is a list of all the c...
Dermot Mulqueen
#PhilipDwyer exposing the fact that #Ukrainian officials are selling Ukrainian passports to Asians who then use them to move to Ireland.Revoke #1951UNHRCConventionOnRefugees#PeopleTrafficing#Ireland4TheIrishDay#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchAmy Mek (@AmyMek) on XDermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'This is a list of all the c...
Dermot Mulqueen
Why are these Kurds not claiming asylum in #China that has 65 million vacant residential properties and signed the #1951UNHRCOnRefugees in 1982 ?All Continents should accommodate its own Asylum seekers.Asian Fakeugees should be sent to Japan to process.African fakeugees should be sent back 2 #Rwanda.#Ireland4TheIrishDay243Cal 🇮🇪 (@243_cal) on X
Dermot Mulqueen
#Poland earns over €1 Billion a year on #HoloHoax tourism with its fake #Auschwitz Homicidal Gas chamber that was converted from a bomb shelter by communists after WW2.The HoloHoax is used to demonise #Nationalism and drive the #KalergiPlan#Ireland4TheIrishDayBen Gilroy (@BenGilroyIRL) on XWomen, Children, Family & Freedom Advocate (@Jklunde...
Dermot Mulqueen
#Carlow protest against the #KalergiPlan population replacement Genocide of the Irish#Ennis #Inch #MiltownMalbay #Shannon#Ireland4TheIrishDayNiall O’Hara 🇮🇪 (@ThoughtsToby) on X#Ballinrobe updatePhilip Dwyer (@PhilipDwyer_MOI) on X
Dermot Mulqueen
The #Ireland2040 Plan is in breach of Article II of the #1948UNConventionOnGenocideThe #1951UNHCRConventionOnRefugees and the 1967 Protocol on Refugees are in breach of the #1948UNConventionOnGenocide.All asylum seekers should claim asylum in their own Continents.MichaeloKeeffe (@Mick_O_Keeffe) on XMichaeloKeeffe (@Mick_O_Keeffe) on X