
用了20年,今天第一次用 #Firefox 用到生氣 XDElementor 一直給我錯誤然後說要進安全模式編輯,轉圈圈轉不完。換了 Chrome ,像沒發生過甚麼事一樣好好的。
firefox' address bar autocompletion recognizes special chars for filtering suggestions:% - search open tabs^ - search history* - search bookmarks+ - tagged bookmarks$ - filter suggestions by url# - filter suggestions by title/tag#firefox #browsing #hotkeys #autosuggestion #opensource
Firefox 127.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fix...#firefox 這次的更新:
Firefox超級用戶同時開「7470個瀏覽分頁」!失手全關靠1設定救回 | 全球 | NOWnews今...#FirefoxFirefox 超級用戶創紀錄:兩年也不關閉 7,400 個瀏覽分頁 - 流動日報所以我 Firefox 用了20年了,這是最好的瀏覽器,沒有之一。
if you want to create a smart bookmark that doesn't url-encode its parameter, use "%S" in the url instead of "%s". btw, it's fucking miserable searching through gecko-dev code...#firefox #mozilla #opensource #tips #bookmarks
Firefox 125.0.1, See All New Features, Updates and F... #firefox
just had this yesterday: 1869662 - After configure DNS-over-TLS in systemd-re...for some reason, before the profile is even loaded, firefox​(1​) makes a handful of bus requests to systemd-resolved(8​). it results in firefox taking almost 5 minutes to fucking display. to fix, you can disable systemd-resolved(8​) and empty out resolv.conf(5).#firefox #dbus #systemd-resolved
Filed a #Firefox #bug report re: missing counter-reset: list-item in the default UA stylesheet. It only shows if you use the CSS property all: unset. Chromium-based browsers have counter-reset included.See: 1881517 - The counter does not reset in <ol> nested ...Also see:problem with counter-reset in nested lists (Firefox ...
LOL. Found another craziness with #Chromium which #Firefox got right the first time.@-supports selector(:lang(\*-latn) is the only one that works in Chromium. However, none works for :lang(C).Firefox accepts (\*-latn), ("*-latn"), and ("\*-latn").#webdev #CSS
Another thing I really hate about #Chromium (-based browsers) is their implementation of #CSS #ruby. #Firefox did the right thing in its CSS ruby implementation.Learn from #Mozilla.
#Chromium-based browsers:`:lang(zh),:lang(ja),:lang(ko) {something: here;}:lang(zh-Latn),:lang(ja-Latn),:lang(ko-Latn) {something: here,}`#Firefox:`:lang(zh, ja, ko) { something: here; }:lang(\*-Latn) { something: here; }`#CSS #dev
Firefox 122.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fix...讚喔 #Firefox now displays images and descriptions for search suggestions when provided by the search engine.
Firefox 122 Update: Firefox schließt 15 Sicherheitslücken--..mehrFirefox 122 Update: Firefox schließt 15 Sicherheitsl...#Firefox #Update #Firefox122 #Sicherheit #BSI
I can truly say now that #Naver #Whale browser works best in a 2010-2015 Pentium Dual Core machine with only 1 GB RAM running #Bodhi #Linux 7 (22.04 LTS) 64-bit.Sadly, #Mozilla #Firefox is slow for some reason.
Gea-Suan Lin
Firefox 與 Chrome 處理 Intermediate CA 的不同方式在 Fediverse 上看到「The recording of myFirefox 與 Chrome 處理 Intermediate CA 的不同方式#Browser #Computer #Firefox #GoogleChrome #Murmuring #NetworkGea-Suan Lin (@[email protected])