
Dermot Mulqueen
#EdnaOBrien had some brain, even though she did sell her soul to the Kikes and their #JewishVictimhood version of History.The Art of Fiction No. 82
Dermot Mulqueen
#EdnaOBrien’s Feminist Legacy#Edna sold her soul to the Kikes and was a major influence on the #JWO #TCD #ToxicFeminist #MaryRobinson who ended up working for the #AnglicanJewishAlliance in their war against #IrishCatholicFertility & #IrishNationalismThey used #HoloHoax to drive #KalergiPlangript (@griptmedia) on X
Dermot Mulqueen
#EdnaOBrien sold her soul to #TheKikes & all their HoloHoax #KalergiPlan #SocialEngineering.She spent her life rebelling against her violent, drunken peevish #KingLear #IrishFather.The #EdnaOB #ButterflyEffect has been disastrous for #IrishSociety as she became an Icon to #AnglicanJewishAlliance in their war against #IrishNationalismhttps://vimeo.com/...