
#Ukraine & the #West:#freedom _of_speech,#censorship&#watching,#human_rights #violations,#persecutions on #dissidents...1.•Штаты увидели тюрьмы и пытки СБУ~2. ••Гарланд Никсон о политических преследованиях (8 авгу...~ 3. •••WARRIOR UPDATE WITH SCOTT RITTER - EPISODE 72 - LONG...~ ÷ § ÷ `
#war_in_Ukraine&#freedom_of_speech...Mr. Scott #Ritter about#BuchaMassacre in #Twitter...Mr. Jimmy #Dore about#American #media / #social_networks's #censorship,#freedom_of_speech& #2nd_Amendment to the #US #Constitution ... ... •Как анализ бойни в Буче стоил Риттеру двойной блокир...~ & ••Скотт Риттер: задержание в аэропорту~ ∆∆∆∆ / ∆∆∆∆∆ `
#war_in_UkraineMr. Jimmy #Doreabout #media / #social_networks's#censorship in#Ukraine,#freedom_of_speech annihilation,#persecutions of #journalists & #bloggers&Mr. Gonzalo #Lira's(#USA citizen of Chilean origin)#death in #Ukraine's (Jan. 18, 2024) ... •Трагическая судьба Гонсало Лира | Джимми Дор~ & ••Гонсало Лира больше нет | Джимми Дор | ДП NEWS (Дура...~ ∆∆∆∆∆ / ∆∆∆∆∆ `
#censorshipNathalie ElgrablyBut why should politicians or their officials decide what is true or false? They do not hold a monopoly on wisdom, they have no particular expertise in distinguishing right from wrong, and they often have their own interests to protect.
#censorshipNathalie ElgrablyWhen governments demand silence, they are not only silencing dissenting voices but also creating an atmosphere of fear and self-censorship. It is not order they impose, but rather obscurantism and stagnation.
#quote #censorshipAlessia Putin Ghidini“Censorship comes from power, self-censorship comes from ourselves, and cancellation comes from the masses through social networks, collective schizophrenia, calls to make someone lose their job, etc.”