
Dermot Mulqueen
#Thailand approves #HomoMarriage #SquareWheel; so Ireland can now deport all Asian LHBT #Fakeugees to ThailandThere are 22 safe countries in Africa where African #Quares can be deported to - to claim asylum.#BAMEPrivilege #QuarePrivilege#Qsymday #LsymdayVictory for the people': Thailand approves same-sex ...6 Countries in Africa That Have Legalized Same-Sex R...Dermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'How to solve Ireland’s #Mas...
Dermot Mulqueen
My complaint against #QuareVictimhood huckstering on #TheHistoryShow on #RTE Radio 1 on 7thApril2024#AnglicanJewishAlliance control the Media and Education in Ireland to the detriment of 95% of the Irish people.#DavidNorris #RonitLentin#BAMEPrivilege #LuciferianPrivilege#LáFirFíorGael#ÉireannAgusNaGaeilGoBráchDermot Mulqueen on Gab: '8th April, 2024 RTE Complai...