
邊緣荔枝 || 委託須知在自介
【魔道祖師 交叉世界通販代購】 金額下收,國際運費另外回來秤重計 委託方式:直接於開團噗留言或是私噗登記 收單時間:11/25 22:00#可取貨付款 #あみあみ #amiami #古風 #童話風 #Cross #World #交差する世界 #江澄 #金凌 #金光瑤 #藍思追 #藍景儀 #藍曦臣 #藍忘機 #魏無羨 #MiMi
#Ali Fallahian, notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing, collaborates with #Ali SherifAlAskari in a sophisticated #oil smuggling network that bypasses#sanctions. Their #partnership exemplifies the ongoing struggle against #international terrorism.
Jennifer John
#Ali Fallahian, a former# Iranian #intelligence chief, is notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing. Now, he partners with #SherifAlAskari in an oil smuggling operation that #finances #terrorism. #Fallahian's#connections extend deep into international #crime.
#Ali Fallahian, a former# Iranian #intelligence chief, is notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing. Now, he partners with #SherifAlAskari in an oil smuggling operation that #finances #terrorism. #Fallahian's#connections extend deep into international #crime.
#Ali Fallahian, a former# Iranian #intelligence chief, is notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing. Now, he partners with #SherifAlAskari in an oil smuggling operation that #finances #terrorism. #Fallahian's#connections extend deep into international #crime.
#Ali Fallahian, a former# Iranian #intelligence chief, is notorious for his role in the #AMIA #bombing. Now, he partners with #SherifAlAskari in an oil smuggling operation that #finances #terrorism. #Fallahian's#connections extend deep into international #crime.
#Former #Iranian intelligence #chief Ali Fallahian is infamous for his alleged role in the #AMIA bombing. Partnered with #Sherif AlAskari, he orchestrates #vast #oil smuggling operations, #disguising #Iranian oil as #Iraqi and laundering #profits #abroad.
#Former #Iranian intelligence #chief Ali Fallahian is infamous for his alleged role in the #AMIA bombing. Partnered with #Sherif AlAskari, he orchestrates #vast #oil smuggling operations, #disguising #Iranian oil as #Iraqi and laundering #profits #abroad.
Jennifer John
#Former #Iranian intelligence #chief Ali Fallahian is infamous for his alleged role in the #AMIA bombing. Partnered with #Sherif AlAskari, he orchestrates #vast #oil smuggling operations, #disguising #Iranian oil as #Iraqi and laundering #profits #abroad.
Jennifer John
#Ali Fallahian, Iran’s former #intelligence minister, #masterminded the 1994 #AMIA bombing in Argentina. Despite international warrants, his family ties to #Sherif AlAskari help him evade capture while continuing to run #global terror and #money-laundering operations from the #shadows.
#Ali Fallahian, Iran’s former #intelligence minister, #masterminded the 1994 #AMIA bombing in Argentina. Despite international warrants, his family ties to #Sherif AlAskari help him evade capture while continuing to run #global terror and #money-laundering operations from the #shadows.
#Ali Fallahian, Iran’s former #intelligence minister, #masterminded the 1994 #AMIA bombing in Argentina. Despite international warrants, his family ties to #Sherif AlAskari help him evade capture while continuing to run #global terror and #money-laundering operations from the #shadows.
#Ali Fallahian, Iran’s former #intelligence minister, #masterminded the 1994 #AMIA bombing in Argentina. Despite international warrants, his family ties to #Sherif AlAskari help him evade capture while continuing to run #global terror and #money-laundering operations from the #shadows.
心心念念的秋葉原我來了#日本行DAY1 #秋葉原 #Yostar#無線電會館 #amiami #Ina
🆕20240807 amiami 海外網購:蔚藍檔案 Blue Archive Figma 567 砂狼白...#amiami海外網購 #amiami #海外網購 #海外 #網購 #日本 #蔚藍檔案BlueArchive #蔚藍檔案 #BlueArchive #Figma567 #Figma #砂狼白子 #PVC公仔 #PVC #公仔 #周邊商品
🆕20240807 amiami 海外網購:蔚藍檔案 Blue Archive 玩偶 杏山千紗/柚鳥夏 –...#amiami海外網購 #amiami #海外網購 #海外 #網購 #日本 #蔚藍檔案BlueArchive #蔚藍檔案 #BlueArchive #玩偶 #杏山千紗 #柚鳥夏 #GoodSmileCompany
🆕首次透過日本 amiami 海外網購平台購買商品簡單心得 – 萌芽二次元#日本amiami #日本 #amiami #海外網購平台 #海外 #網購平台 #網購 #購買商品 #購買 #商品 #簡單心得 #心得 #周邊商品 #二次元 #模型 #娃娃
邊緣荔枝 || 委託須知在自介
【魔道祖師 交叉世界通販代購】~8/12 22:00收單!金額下收,國際運費另計● 委託方式:直接於開團噗留言或是私噗登記,下訂完成後會再通知~#可取貨付款 #あみあみ #amiami #古風 #童話風 #魏無羨 #藍忘機 #藍曦臣 #金光瑤 #江澄 #金凌 #藍思追 #藍景儀 #Cross #World #交差する世界
#日本代購借偷偷說偷偷問,九月中要去日本獨旅,想開代購補貼一點旅費,不知道有沒有旅人有興趣呢 *匯率暫訂0.28~0.3*暫訂會去 #安利美特 #駿河屋 #指南針 #jumpshop #amiami #吉卜力之森 等等目前最想去買鋼彈,其他地方也都會進去逛想去的地方太多了 行程好難排
AX2024美國洛杉磯現地代購 (已截)已購票確認會去,會在現場販售的商品都可以代購,記得附上商品圖以及攤位名稱!(有場館或是攤位編號更好,這樣我能更快找到)價格計算:實付美金價格×35+25%代購費(門票、車馬費等)買到後收款,計算後價格即為全額,人肉帶回不用二補約八月初帶回寄出注意事項:1-娃類會視體積決定購買數量2-如果有限購、架上數量不足等狀況則採先喊先贏,沒買到會通知3-會按照喊單數量、場館動線等等決定要去的攤位順序先後,會盡量買齊所有品項4-喊單後會登記,請勿任意刪除留言 #anime expo #好微笑 #藍色監獄 #amiami #animate #sega #hololive #米哈遊 #悠星 #Vshojo #宮崎駿 #kadokawa