
Dermot Mulqueen
#KikeIntimidators promoting #KalergiPlan genocide of #TheIrish in breach of #1948UNConventionOnGenocide#AliceFeldman #UCD#LauraWeinstein#RonitLentin #TCD#KatarinaGoldstone #BillAbomAshkenazi Jews are all descended from the same 350#KikeSquirrelPrivilege#StrategiesOfKikeControlOngoing Jewish Influence in the Transformation of Ir...Dermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'How to solve Ireland’s #Mas...
Dermot Mulqueen
The motion 4debate is:It was a sad day when Alan__Shatter ‘s father #DodgedTheDraft in Britain to fight #Hitler and moved to Dublin as Alan has brought us Irish nothing but misery and #KalergiPlan Genocide in breach of #1948UNConventionOnGenocide#BríNaBeathaThe Misplaced Minister: Ireland and Israel’s Alan Sh...