
Dermot Mulqueen
The motion 4debate is:‘Pornography is destroying the minds of the Irish and European Youth, and they should embrace the #17CommandmentsOfTheCelts#17nAitheantaNagCeilteach to help keep themselves on the straight and narrow’Dermot Mulqueen on Gab: 'Why is it important to seek...Dermot Mulqueen on Gab: '#JewishMerchantsOfSinAndPor...
Dermot Mulqueen
#Surrogacy is in breach of the 6th, 11th & 12th of #17CommandmentsOfTheCelts & should be put to a Referendum.#BigFertility#StopTheSurrogacyBill#LáMnáFíorGael #RonanMullen#BríNaBeatha#BigFertilitySenator Rónán Mullen (@RonanMullen) on X
Dermot Mulqueen
#Surrogacy is in breach of the 6th, 11th & 12th of the #17CommandmentsOfTheCelts#17nAitheantaNagCeilteach#BigFertility#StopTheSurrogacyBill#LáMnáFíorGael #RonanMullen#BríNaBeatha#BigFertilitySenator Rónán Mullen (@RonanMullen) on X
Dermot Mulqueen
Only vote for candidates in #EuropeanElections2024 & #IrishLocalElections who admit the Holocaust Was A Hoax established using #BritTorture of #RudolfHöss to end the #KalergiPlan; & who also support the#17CommandmentsOfTheCelts#HowIrelandShouldWorkDiarmúid Mulqueen (@Diarmuid737) on XDermot Mulqueen on GETTR : Only vote for candidates ...
Dermot Mulqueen
The motion 4debate is:The song ‘Dublin In The Rare Old Times’ should be banned from Irish Radio Airplay lists and Live Performance in Ireland b/c it promotes the #KalergiPlan and is in breach of 5, 13, 14 and 16 of the #17CommandmentsOfTheCelts.#17nAitheantaNagCeilteach#DarwinWasWrong re: #HumanEvolution
Dermot Mulqueen
#TheFirstGlobalRevolution 1991#GlobalWarmingScam#ClimateJusticeScam#TheClubOfRome#17nAitheantaNagCeilteach#17nAitheanta#17CommandmentsOfTheCeltsChimpWiz 🐝 (@seanjMugisha) on Xhttps://tinyurl.com/...