
Rasmussen’s survey comes after an election in which transgenderism was a key issue for many AmericansVoters said one top reason they didn’t vote for CORRUPT COMMUNIST KAMALA HARRIS was that she was TOO FOCUSED on CULTURAL issues rather than HELPING the MIDDLE CLASS according to polling from Democratic research group Blueprint#中國人牠們的中華民國殖民統治體制是二二八大屠殺的邪惡機制
We are responsible for our children, and I and many parents don’t want our children to be taught in a way like ‘If you want to be a girl, I will support you,' she said Kids are kids, they live in another world, they believe in Santa Claus, they can believe anything an adult says, if this adult is someone very close to that child#中國人牠們的中華民國殖民統治體制是二二八大屠殺的邪惡機制