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my me voice (stelle) is so nice. "ba na na na na~!" hell yeah fuck it up girl
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【Anisong random dance】EZ DO DANCE - 踊るオタを見てる 2024/10...這幾年重心比較沒放在ACGMNicoVocal上,所以我一直覺得我不夠宅,但當我發現這裡面所有歌都有印象、大部分也追過的時候: 我:這是童年回憶串燒集嗎? 友:不,就是你還是很阿宅的現實而已……慢著,不要敲otagei的鼓點!你個宅宅!(跟朋友一起看影片中)
if you like spanish vocaloid music i would highly recommend giving pinkcat a listen i like their music and its very catchy
before i sleep i need to consume some vocaloid
[Opening cover&special graph]#佐々木琴子(40ページ)[Closing cover&special graph]#櫻井陽菜(22ページ)[Special graph]#前田佳織里[連載~リボンのお姫様]act.2#ペイトン尚未今、旬の声優をフィーチャーするハイクオリティビジュアルマガジン!声優、佐々木琴子をフロントラインで全面特集! 初の表紙&大特集! ミニ写真集クオリティの永久保存版! そして、自身のキャリア通じての 初の単独カバーで登場! 今、注目度No.1の新人声優 櫻井陽菜をフォーカスします! Anime Voice (@Anime_Voice) on X
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『Love Voice mag. vol.4』情報公開2025年3月28日発売 #ad(予約開始前)[Opening cover&special graph]#佐々木琴子 (40ページ)[Closing cover&special graph]#櫻井陽菜 (22ページ)[Special graph]#前田佳織里[連載~リボンのお姫様]act.2#ペイトン尚未Anime Voice (@Anime_Voice) on X
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Selena Gomez: Singer, Songwriter & Fashion GoddessSelena Gomez is a multifaceted artist renowned for her captivating voice and songwriting prowess. As a fashion icon, she effortlessly blends contemporary trends with her unique style, inspiring fans worldwide.
★ jason
“we love jason grace” me and the voices all scream in unison
🍉 wtnbska
and now i just want to sit back and relax and enjoy my evening. when all of a sudden, i hear this AGITATING. GRATING voice (bitchass roomate)
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Anime Voice (@Anime_Voice) on X『Love Voice mag. vol.4』情報公開2025年3月28日発売[Opening cover&special graph]#佐々木琴子(40ページ)[Closing cover&special graph]#櫻井陽菜(22ページ)[Special graph]#前田佳織里[連載~リボンのお姫様]act.2#ペイトン尚未
outta my way
"The voice actor for the newest Spiderman said he was afraid they were going to make him too woke"Does anyone have a credible source on this? I refuse to believe something taken out of context on Facebook of all places but if there's an element of truth I definitely don't want to engage in his depiction as he wouldn't understand his own character
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Furry Violent J
I remember there was one system on q that would read us a book about Greek gods and sent voice messages with just them reading different chapters in each one and it was slash gen so relaxing and I rly liked them slash p but then they were canceled for grooming someone.☹
声優トモ写!/ VOICE PHOTOBOOK (@seiyu_tomophoto) on Xmhai祈願🤣🥺
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not only does my voice sound sarcastic ive been told im sarcastic OVER TEXT TOO???
loki wanted to do voice tbhs but i told her to kill himself once rom proposed the idea
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Vocaroo | Online voice recordermy thoughts on plurk! its kinda cool!
zam :p
admittedly very funny that since i didnt figure out how to make it so itll save my vods for a bit. Nobody but spoke will ever know that i screamed "NO!! IM NOT EVIL!! HOMICIDE IS BAD! I JUST SAID HOMICIDE IS BAD IM NOT EVIL!!"
Vocaroo | Online voice recorder muy importante