
any other name
I should not make such constant sad eyes at my inbox when I still have tags I need to get back to. and yet
any other name
it's very annoying to try and get into a piece of media and completely bounce off the toneeta: now liveblogging arcane I guess
any other name
you ever just scroll like a general trope tag like you're sightseeing. there are so many things in the world
any other name
yeah I need to get her echoes built more (why are echo mats the WORST) but I do not regret pulling for yinlin she's fun. zap zap zap zap
any other name
baby boy thinks my arm is a good pillow and that i should stay in bed forever and ever
any other name
it occurs to me that I am playing multiple turbovirgins fumbling around in VERY different circumstances and that’s kind of hilarious
any other name
oh i feel. Bad. Work today is going to suck.
any other name
giving up and finally using the workspaces feature of vivaldi so I can organze my rp tabs better...
any other name
it is 98 feels like 106 with 49% humidity and the AC at work can’t keep up and I hate it
any other name
okay I’m going to work in like an hour and I’m actively at temple right now (don’t judge me) but let me organize what I need to do
any other name
any other name
burbling here instead of in my work plurk
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containment Plurk
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surely I am 0 intimidating I am a mess
any other name
inserts a single toe into bakerstreet. memes are so scary help
any other name
I had a ten pull on standard banner and I got... calcharo again
any other name
[svsss] god this donghua makes. choices
any other name
any other name
why is it yuri day anyway. does 25/6 sound like something in japanese or
any other name
any other name
another fuckin taoqi waveband. GIVE ME YINLIN
any other name
okay I'm finally touching 2.3 properly
any other name
things to do while I am off work for six days, somewhat aspirational
any other name
I’m going to commit homicide someone mixed the backstock of the regular pants and the crop pants together
any other name
hello i am: bored and waiting to see the doctor
any other name
??? why are my phantom echoes worse than my regular echoes. they're all special and shiny shouldn't they be better
any other name
I was possessed by the inexplicable spirit of ADHD and took out my trash and recycling and changed the cat box and cleaned the lid of my washing machine and put up flypaper and started the dishwasher and cleaned the stovetop and started sausage thawing to make pasta for dinner
any other name
[rolls around in feels] godddd sqh is having a time about casper having a time and both halves of this are now making the other half worse. disaster boys
any other name
whyyyy is jen having laila text me questions about the markdowns I am at HOME it is my day OFF
any other name
hmmm characters