
最近看日本很流行蕾絲三角巾,經過NET看到有好多蕾絲領巾,三角形和長條狀都有,不同形狀和花紋一條一條拿來試,結果不管是小花還是格紋的都不太行。骨架分析說自然型不適合蕾絲材質,看來還是有那麼點道理,試完完全滅火了。 #骨架分析 #骨格診断 #골격진단#BodyTypes #BodyAnalysis
Body Wooden Massage StickBody Back Massage Stick Wholesale Company - BDAC#body #massage #stickA body massage stick is a great relaxation aid. It has a sleek design and is usually made of durable materials. The textured surface or nodules on it help to relieve muscle tension.
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Best Review Method Body Wash, Wind Down, Paraben and Phthalate FreeRead Full Review:Best Review Method Body Wash, Wind Down, Paraben and...#methodbodywash#winddown #bodywash#skincare#selfcare#relaxation#moisturizing
Getting the Right Sense of Shape While Sleeping with ShapeSense Orthopedic Mattresses#ShapeSense #OrthopedicMattress #UninterruptedSleep #ComfortableSleep #AdequateSupport #BodyContouring #BestMattressGetting the Right Sense of Shape While Sleeping with...
How A Relaxing Spa Day Can Change Your Mood For The BetterDiscover the revitalizing advantage of a luxury body scrub in Cebu with Abhyangga.Know More:-How a Relaxing Spa Day Can Change Your Mood for the ...#bodyscrubincebu#bestbodyscrub#naturalbodyscrubincebucity#naturalbodyscrub #Philippines #Cebucity
在Instagram看到這個帳號一直自稱自然型,我看了好久幾乎能百分百確定她不是自然型。因為直線型穿寬鬆又有點挺度的襯衫,通常會看起來上半身變很厚重。而這個短片中就是最好的示範,她一穿寬鬆牛仔襯衫視覺上人就變很厚,所以她後續調整顯瘦的作法就是領口打開露出胸口,再把袖口挽上去露出手腕。如果她真的是自然型,應該要逆向操作把胸口和手腕藏起來才對。こ ん ┊︎ 大人モードコーデ (@oniy_suw) • Instagram reel近拍手部的時候,那個特徵也很典型,看整體也是腰線比例偏高,胸膛有厚度。其他半身影片內的肩頸近拍,鎖骨很不明顯,綜合觀察下來直線型機會最高。こ ん ┊︎ 大人モードコーデ (@oniy_suw) • Instagram reel#骨架分析 #骨格診断 #골격진단 #BodyTypes #BodyAnalysis
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情色驚悚片《體熱》將重拍!奧斯卡影后 #艾瑪史東 有望主演期待石頭姐會是和誰搭檔 ~.#華納兄弟#BodyHeat#EmmaStone#WilliamHurt#KathleenTurner情色驚悚片《體熱》將重拍!奧斯卡影后艾瑪史東有望主演
Medix 5.5 Retinol Body Lotion Firming Moisturizer. Read Full Body Lotion Review:Medix 5.5 Retinol Body Lotion Firming Moisturizer | ...#BodyLotion#BodyLotionProduct#BodyLotionPrice#BodyLotionAmazon‘#BodyLotionDetails#BodyLotionBonus‘#BodyLotionBonuses‘#WaistBodyLotionReview#HowDoesBodyLotionWork
Truly Luxury Body Oil | Hydrating & Illuminating with Natura...#Body #Hydrating #Illuminating #Luxury #LuxuryBeauty #Natura.. #Oil
Etekcity Smart Scale: Advanced Bluetooth Digital Weighing Scale for Comprehensive Health TrackingRead Full Review:Etekcity Smart Scale: Advanced Bluetooth Digital Wei...✅ #etekcitysmartscale✅ #digitalweighingscale✅ #smartscale✅ #bodycomposition✅ #BluetoothScale
BMI Scale SupplierPetra Mechatronics is a trusted supplier of BMI Scales in Oman, Muscat, and Sohar. Our BMI scales offer accurate body composition analysis for health assessments.BMI Scale Supplier in Muscat, Salalah, Sohar - Petra...#BMIScale #BodyMeasurement #PetraMechatronics #Oman #Muscat #Sohar #HealthTech
Body Scale SupplierPetra Mechatronics is a leading supplier of Body Scales in Oman, Muscat, and Sohar. Our body scales provide precise measurements for health and fitness tracking.Body Scale Supplier in Muscat, Salalah, Sohar - Petr...#BodyScale #HealthAndFitness #PetraMechatronics #Oman #Muscat #Sohar #AccurateMeasurements
嚇死,看來不能追求10%了...健美少女为何脱水而死#健身 #健美 #撸铁 #肌肉 #健力#力量举#大力士 #类固醇 #bodybuil...
延續前面話題,好奇也來看看顏診斷證書如何取得,顏診斷的顧問好像沒有分太多等級,而是分成各種不同類型,跟臉型有關的有顧問1級、男士顧問、化妝顧問、髮型設計大師、和服顧問、婚禮顧問。然後顏診斷協會這裡也有做骨架分析的顧問(アドバイザー)培訓,看了一下講師佐藤和佳子的自介,沒有自稱是分析師(ファッションアナリスト),在他個人的ameba中是骨骼診斷顧問1級,也沒有說自己是ICBI認證顧問。 #骨架分析 #顏診斷 #顏分析 #骨格診断#顔タイプ #顔タイプ診断 #골격진단#BodyTypes #BodyAnalysis #FaceTypeTest #FaceAnalysis
Body Scale MuscatPetra Mechatronics is a supplier of Body Scale in Muscat and Sohar - Oman. We provide high-quality body scales that cater to a variety of industries.Body Scale Supplier in Muscat, Salalah, Sohar - Petr...#BodyScale #BodyScaleOman #BodyScaleMuscat #BodyScaleSohar #WeighingScale
Body Scale OmanPetra Mechatronics is a supplier of Body Scale in Oman, Muscat, and Sohar. We provide high-quality body scales that cater to a variety of industries.Body Scale Supplier in Muscat, Salalah, Sohar - Petr...#BodyScale #BodyScaleOman #BodyScaleMuscat #BodyScaleSohar #WeighingScale
Body Scale SoharPetra Mechatronics is a supplier of Body Scale in Sohar, Muscat - Oman. We provide high-quality body scales that cater to a variety of industries.Body Scale Supplier in Muscat, Salalah, Sohar - Petr...#BodyScale #BodyScaleOman #BodyScaleMuscat #BodyScaleSohar #WeighingScale
What Would Happen in a World Where Everyone Was Naked Always?#NakedTruth #SocialNorms #BodyPositivityHey everyone! 🌟 So, I’ve been pondering this rather bold question: What if everyone was naked all the time? Just imagine the world we’d live in! Let’s break i...
昨天心血來潮研究了一下骨架診斷分析師的證書取得來源,再從 這串清單 去看那些自稱擁有ICBI認證或授權的分析師們,還有在網路上用關鍵字海撈一下在做骨架分析的從業者,從中發現幾件有趣的事。 原來有拿出證書還算比較有誠意了,有些人甚至只是口頭上宣稱有被認證,但是官網上沒見到半張證書的影子。也有一會自稱是骨架分析顧問,一會兒又自稱是授權分析師的人,共通點就是收費做骨架分析都很大膽,但是證書卻不拿出來。JPCA認證過的都巴不得證書能被看見,換成ICBI就是兩樣情了。只能說消費者想做骨架分析的真的得張大眼睛,免得被魚目混珠。#骨架分析 #骨格診断 #골격진단 #BodyTypes #BodyAnalysis
昨晚被大數據推薦一部骨架分析影片,因為對診斷結果困惑,去深入了解不同分析的資格檢定。意外發現骨架診斷分析師資格,相較日本個人色彩JPCA認證的顧問/講師/分析師,骨架診斷ICBI的資格取得似乎容易很多。日本個人色彩分析的證照分很多階段,而且不能跳級,一定要從初級到中級、中級到上級,還要到指定地點考試。但骨架診斷初階3級只要線上考試,2級以上才需要到指定地點考試。然後影片內的分析師所放出來的ICBI證書,看不出是哪種等級檢定。目前網路找得到的中文資訊,其他人的範本只有看到1級和上級證書,因此我對該骨架分析師的專業程度存疑。 #骨架分析 #骨格診断 #골격진단 #BodyTypes #BodyAnalysis
Exfoliate Radiant Glow: Why Body Scrubs Essential For SkinIndulge your skin in the best body scrub in Cebu with Abhyangga.Know More:-Exfoliate Radiant Glow: Why Body Scrubs Essential fo...#bodyscrubinCebu #bestbodyscrub#naturalbodyscrubincebucity#naturalbodyscrub#bodyscrubspa#bodyscrubmassage #Philippines #Cebucity
What Unique Genetic Advantages and Drawbacks Do You Have?#GeneticBlessings #GeneticNerfs #BodyTalkHey there! 🌟 Let’s chat about our unique genetic gifts and challenges. Have you ever thought about what you might have inherited that gives you...
男生版的骨架分析好難,肩頸像波浪型,但是下半身不會像女生那樣細腰翹臀,要用女生的標準去看男生的骨架有點難判別。目前觀察到比較明顯不變的差異就脖子和手腕、手背,其他部位有可能被健身影響皮肉。又從男生版的骨架套用到女生身上,不知道是不是也有可能波浪型下半身,份量感不一定大於上半身。以前看女生版的骨架分析,波浪型很明顯都是上窄下寬,看了男生版覺得沒辦法十分肯定了。 #骨架分析 #骨格診断 #골격진단#BodyTypes #BodyAnalysis
Revitalize Your Skin With Natural Body Scrubs In Cebu CityFind the best body scrub at Abhyangga, where luxury and nature converge.Know More:-Relaxing Body Scrub Massage | Best Spa Experience in...#bodyscrubincebu #bestbodyscrub#naturalbodyscrubincebucity#naturalbodyscrub#bodyscrubspa#bodyscrubmassage #Philippines #Cebucity
How Can You Tell If You’re Perceived as Unattractive?#BodyConfidence #BeautyStandards #SelfLoveHey there, folks! 🌟 Let’s dive into an interesting topic that’s been on a lot of minds: what are some clear signs that might suggest someone feels ...
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