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ships you'd sail with me?
the usual dumb yakuza boys.
and also excuse me i really enjoyed jd/liam
all of them to be frank
in nearly any combo
superbat will always be my first love with you but. all of them
Goose Botherer
someday I want to app Ama Grace and I desperately want her and gaius to be Weird Friends
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𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖋𝖑𝖎ƙ𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖑† : them dumb boys. I can't remember: do you also play Ichiban?
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Becky : Yessss
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Goose Botherer
just. extremely tired sassy immortals stained with blood and cruelties right down to the marrow who are incongruously chill
Goose Botherer
they'd both think of the other as The Baby and it would be so funny
Goose Botherer
Ama thinks everyone is young if they still know how old they are, and John think's shes a baby because she's SO CHIPPER AND NAIVE
Dr Sheepenstein
jontim are still the best dumb QPR dorks
Goose Botherer
(naive is. not quite right)
Goose Botherer
she's like. two steps further in her graduation journey than him and she's a horrible california buddhist about it
Goose Botherer
despite california having fallen into the sea by the time of her previous life probably
Goose Botherer
we are NO LONGER killing our dad first thing every day for the time loop of forever. now we are practicing RADICAL GRATITUDE and ACTS OF KINDNESS
I do! I play a lot of dumb yakuza boys lmao. But Majima and Ichiban were two mains for a while (and then Zhao took over).
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Dr Sheepenstein : and off they continue to go, bopping around the multiverse offering rides
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𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖋𝖑𝖎ƙ𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖑† : I'm curious to see how Ichiban and Kiryu do together in new game!
One day. We'll be in a game together and we'll find a shop.
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Goose Botherer : he's getting there! he's... closer!!
Me too! there will definitely be more of him in this one... it's sad Ichi can't have his own game up oh well.
It will be interesting to see them together for real amount of time.
Goose Botherer
he is!
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𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖋𝖑𝖎ƙ𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖑† : pretty sure they're all his after this one ^_^
Dr Sheepenstein
i do enjoy that our character pairings keep being like. they're not a romantic ship but they sure would do unspeakable things if something happened to their partner
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DEEPLY unspeakable things
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one day, a romantic ship!
Goose Botherer
I do love the idea of Jedao/Reid in another world
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yeah. fair enough.
Poor Kiryu couldn't have one nice thing...
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Goose Botherer : I was JUST about to ping your plurk on that
Goose Botherer
also Jedao wants to get JD to fool around with him under the bleachers
Oh, I noticed Gaiden on xbox game pass so I need to play that for freeeeee
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...Jedao's getting a Letter
Literally any. Just throw them together and watch them stick.
But let's talk pirates.
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Kota : ooooo can't wait for thiiis
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speaking of
John Doe and my enormous idealistic dragon character would get along SO well and I'm sad Temeraire is physically incompatible with Barge life on account of being nearly as big as the ship
He'd be a fun warden
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Kira🌵 : yessssss best dragon
an excellent dragon / sighs wistfully
Oh man, if we could fit Tem on the Kira🌵 I'd probably fight you to play him. XD
Jon/Sypha for a ship. So bad for her, but also Right.
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BethampHATamine : heck yeah
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we know she's his type
ᴀʟᴀɴ's ᴡᴀᴋᴇ.
dumb 20s nonsense with nishiki and kiryu !
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ᴀʟᴀɴ's ᴡᴀᴋᴇ. : obsessive fighty boys
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being obsessive
ᴀʟᴀɴ's ᴡᴀᴋᴇ.
codependent or just bros you be the judge(ment)
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The Barge needs a dragon deck, is what I'm hearing. (LOL)