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candela obscura
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i'm slapping on needle & thread (aka chapter 2 i think) while i dye my hair and like
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i tried to watch the first one
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couldn't get into it
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but this one has brennan and it has luis carazo who i loved in exu calamity
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but i've heard brennan's performance in this makes people cry so im willing to give it a shot
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plus travis is terrified of the spooky so that's always entertaining
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idk who this dm is, he's not as good as matt or brennan but so far he's okay
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but he said the magic word 'capitalism' and im just
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ah yeep okay brennan's mortal enemy
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im with u so far
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this dm's opening was okay but i think matt or brennan or aabria would have delivered it better
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he narrates like a screenplay
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or like a director trying to make a film
Adiva but sunny
^^^^ I had this exact same reaction to the opening. Brennan often uses similar cinematic language but this one didn't land for me?
Adiva but sunny
But once it got more into the action on the train I was enjoying it more
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yeah now that it's kicking it off im enjoying it more
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i like that so far brennan's character is just Hey Guys Remember How Im From New York
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and it's been too long since i've seen travis play a smooth talking british accent so i'm excited for that
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also bigly into Luis playing a psychic
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love that everyone's playing a character that looks like themselves except marisha who's playing a crazy old lady
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