Well, new thing to save up for... A new computer. Maybe a desk too. To set up in the living area once I clean that up a bit. >_> My laptop won't be able to run Dawntrail sob
I checked my specs here and it could help you check too
yeah it's going to be a desktop and desk combo, because that's going to be a hell of a lot cheaper than a new gaming laptop. not to mention easier to modify if needed. and I only ever play FFXIV and games on the laptop in general at home anyway
this laptop is still a good computer for other stuff, including travel and videos and the games I have ON it. So I think that could work
Whelp what's your current specs presently?
tbf this is a fairly old laptop. like I think I bought it in 2020, I've upgraded the ram and storage and replaced the fans in it BUT still
I think the game will run fine on minimum specs but the graphics card...yeah this game can be much with the graphic update
yeah. On the plus side, I'm in a 2 bedroom apartment. I can convert the second bedroom to an office for the computer space. or I can have it in the main living area
main living area is honestly more appealing but I'm a weirdo