i went to Kohl's today and returned with a Big Pile Of Sweaters
one of these days i am just going to fully morph into a shuffling pile of animated knitwear
i went for blouses and got..... One Blouse
its impossible not to get more neat sweaters during Peak Sweater Season
how can anyone pass up The Cozy. I tell ya.
I will never understand people who seem to have no issue with discomfort, as in where clothes are concerned. I look at some women who were seemingly born in shapewear and heels and I'm like.... how are you not tearing off your own skin, constantly
the first thing I do when I get home is fling my bra across the room, and some women look at you like there's a flower growing out of your head if you ask if they wouldn't rather be in jammies
like they don't even notice
a ghost
it is incomprehensible to me also
a ghost
bras are a tiny peephole into the past when corseted women were fainting left and right
thinking about the feet of women of my mom's generation, permanently fucked up from having to wear pumps all day every day