Some days I just think about how cursed that office is. The one that Arthur and Parker took over.
It's had three different sets of PI partners use it as an office, and at least one of the partners from each set is dead.
Mrs. Sheepie
to be fair i think the first lot are the ones that cursed it
There have been at least two eldritch items sent to it and get received by some poor saps that didn't know what they were getting into.
Although they also kinda just...got caught up in the occult stuff.
God, I can't wait for the next part. This is getting way too exciting. All that coming together really had me screaming the other day listening.
Mrs. Sheepie
these poor fuckin lads
Mrs. Sheepie
i'm so worried about Noel for next episode, there's no way he won't find out about John properly
Yeah. Wondering if we'll finally get more Yellow, too! Because if Larson is there....
Mrs. Sheepie
i'm so excited for arthur to try and smash larson's face into a stupid ceremonial podium
Me listening to Malevolent because I went to look up something.. and I just let it continue down the whole list lol... and...
Arthur pointing out Kayne's statement of "what makes [Arthur] so special?" and my thought went "oh fuck, please don't be related to the three soldiers" now that I've speculated more on what's all connected and who the Order is all about and stuff.
It would seem...strange. but. he does have the coin and i wouldn't be surprised if we're still working towards summoning Shub.
ANYWAY silly thought I just had to get out of my head.