witch people
[cw: health/doctors/breast stuff.] Today suuucks.
witch people
I had both doctors that make me wait in the exam room for like 40 minutes, which is always an anxiety trigger.
witch people
I chickened out of bringing up breast reduction stuff with my GP again.
witch people
I had a minor meltdown after my gp appointment cause no one can tell me why I'm so fatigued right now.
witch people
Aaaaand now I'm having sharp, stabbing pains in my breast/nipple. :/
witch people
The only good thing is my hematology stuff is still going up and I don't have to go back for our months now.
witch people
whyyyyyyyy. this happens sometimes but usually like. once. not for four or five hours straight.
witch people
my mother wants me to go to the hopsital mostly to register on my records, because we're 90% sure it's just tissue soreness from hanging based on what helps it. if it doesn't go away by the time I get up I might have to just to keep from being paranoid.
kill jester.
oh gosh, I've had the same and it's scary
kill jester.
if you're able to swing a visit even just for peace of mind maybe it's worth it?
witch people
i keep going back and forth cause on the one hand it'd be nice to be usre and on the other. god, i hate hospitals so much.
witch people
I woke up and haven't had pains yet though so... we'll see if it starts up again
witch people
we also only have the car a little while today which doesn't help :/