those female vtubers that do high pitched baby or "anime (💀)" sounding voices bother me so much and it's all youtube promotes vtuber wise. say what yoh want but they're fucking weird and so are the people watching that shit. i don't understand how you listen to those voices for longer than two minutes my head hurts
also not weird for being weird. weird as in creepy weird. like what's the reason you need to sound like that? just speak in your normal fucking voice we know it's not actually like that. but no we gotta pedo bait for more views 😍
i've only met a handful of people that watch vtubers but the ones that watched those kinds of vtubers ended up being red flags. and obviously a few people having something in common doesn't make the thing itself bad but with this shit im just very sure it's a bad sign. not many people would go through watching that unless it's for some creepy weird reason
and then there's even worse ones that aren't even subtle about what they're doing, reposting nsfw fanart of their character while speaking like a wholeass toddlers. is it illegal? no. but that doesn't make it any less disgusting imo