Gonna make French toast and sausages for breakfast today
Okay srs goals for this year. Driver's license!!! I promised my not!twin I'd be driving by July!!!
Going to get better at digital art because right now I overwork everything because I have zero idea how to bend Krita to my will and everything takes three times too long!!!
Also figure out how to cook food in a way that isn't stressful or triggers anyone's intolerances
Other than that...I just gotta survive this month and come out on top
We're going to finish commissions and I'm gonna push to pick up new ones because bills gotta get paid!!! I can't let grief eat away at me so badly that I can't make grocery money
mmmm... on French toast and gl with getting your license! I got mine about 2 years ago. Had to have eye surgery advance to the point where I could!
do you have any examples of your art? I'd love to see?
HILARIOUS THAT YOU MIGHT ASK I just posted some the other day, but yeah I discovered I needed glasses VERY recently and got my first pair around this time last year
But it was such a drastic jump that they only gave me half my prescription, but my full powered lenses will be arriving Soon
https://images.plurk.com/4nt2iuXRiujUzbWiiqPSRr.png https://images.plurk.com/5xNkCr4dY3IQeGK6emQswW.jpg https://images.plurk.com/373hqhmxUOlErpXwghCYDf.jpg
Basically if you see me use it's usually a post where I'm dumping my work!
I used to have a -20 lens in my glasses
they were |---------| this thick
Oh no
and now? like this |-|
it was amazing!
You were the anime where they pull off the glasses and look completely different underneath, I am so sorry
oh and that thickness was with the thinnest lenses
lmao yup
I actually wore contacts since I was 5 years old because they gave me better sight
best I could get back then was 20/40
now I can read the 20/20 line
still blind in one eye though
they haven't gotten advanced enough technology to fix that yet.
android eyes when?
anyway, was your license thing 'cuz you just never needed it?
if you don't mind my asking
Nah things just Kept Happening and I was in a uhhhh Living Situation for a while that made getting things done Complicated
I've known people with lenses so thick that it breaks the outline of their face bc behind the glasses their faces seem to come like an inch inward
(I'm dwrp georg,, one of the few of us who doesn't need any correction)
But it's been a thing I've been trying to get done for years and the pandemic made it difficult, but I'm at the point where if I don't do it now it's gonna be a problem so!!!
Hi georg I am new friends with Ziri
Oh yeah. pandemic messed me up too. I had to have a special proctor give me the test
yeah, I was pretty much legally blind most of my life. I was so excited to finally see!
And I understand the Life. thing Ziri. Mine was all over the place too for awhile lol.
I wish you the best of luck though.
I'm cursed about driving lol someday...
do you already know how? if not I recommend safety first driving school. better than 911 driving school
manifesting for you though ziri! May it be a calmer experience
I mean, my first year I got in 3 accidents... a 4th caused by the tow truckers totaled my car lol.
Why my insurance is 380 a month rn. Hoping it goes down a lot this year! Hey! that's a good resolution!
Oh no
Also your art is amazing!
But yes please send good thoughts the person I'm going to be driving most is a HORRIBLE passenger
at least my new car has all the safety features to make up for my weaknesses
To the point one of my besties would randomly gasp or scream when she'd have me practice driving her car in empty parking lots because
Ha ha
Oh jeez. anxious passenger?
this is what I'm going to be up against very soon